What Are Social Sciences?

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Social Sciences is a field of study in which students learn about the relationship of societies, persons, and events in society. To put it simply, it is a field of study in which students learn about society and all that happens in that society. It is a very important field of study as it is helping us learn about the shortcomings in our societies and ways to improve them. It is also helping in lifting the lifestyle of every member of society to a higher standard. Social sciences are helping us understand the events that happen in different societies that are not connected to us, and they help us learn their ways. So that we can connect different societies and help make better interactions between these societies. It is a very broad field of study and has a lot of majors in it.

In different parts of the world, social sciences are known with many different names, including the science of society, and sociology. All these names have two things in common, society and science. Most people who do not know about the academic system properly, mostly consider these branches of science as an art, or some call it false science, but this is not true. The fact is social science is a field of scientific study. This is because social scientists use different scientific methods and scientific knowledge when they are researching. Apart from it, there are pure science fields that are a part of social sciences, for example, anthropology, which is a pure type of biological sciences, is a part of social sciences study as a major. In this, students learn about the societies in arthropods and their individual and common interactions with one another using scientific research methods. 

The tools and laws of natural sciences are used in this field of study to make our societies better. For example, the physical properties of different matters helped us standardize a measuring system. Kilograms for mass, Newton for force measurement, all of these are obtained from the laws of physical and natural sciences that we have applied to benefit humanity. These standard measurements give us the ability to convert from one form to another with ease. There are two types of social scientists, the first ones are known as positivists, and the second ones are known as Interpretivist.

The positivists are the ones that use laws of natural sciences for the betterment of our societies, and the Interpretivist are the ones that take the symbolic interpretations and utilize them for the betterment of society. In the past, these two were considered very distinct types, but nowadays, researchers use both as a combination in social sciences. Apart from these, they also use the different qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques to use and interpret the data they gather through different sources. This mixture of use of different scientific techniques to interpret, understand, and make sense of social data to produce better societies is known as the social sciences.

There are different degrees in the social sciences field that you can obtain after you graduate from high school. You can apply for one social science major degree, for example, you can apply for Psychology, and you will get a bachelor’s degree in Psychology. This degree will help you become a psychologist. But if you want to continue your degree, you will have to do a master’s degree in one specific part of your subject. If we follow the above example, you can select a field from Psychology, such as Clinical Psychology, where you help people with mental issues using clinical techniques and trials.

After the master’s degree, you can further continue your research and reach the level of Doctorate Degree in one specific area of Clinical Psychology. This is the chronology that will be applied to all Social Sciences Degrees if they want to continue research and education. In terms of obtaining a job, or starting a career, there are huge opportunities in this field. Let us carry on the above example of Psychology, you can become a teacher and a clinical psychologist, or a researcher in this field. There are unlimited options for you as you progress in your career as a psychologist.

History of Social Sciences

Social Sciences may seem like a new subject or field of study, but it has a long history. In ancient civilizations, some forms of social sciences were in practice. From Ancient Egyptian Civilization to European Civilizations, they all had some uses of social sciences, mostly related to military strategy, general research, and finance. If we go further deep in finding the use of social sciences, we can see from ancient Chinese civilization to Hindu, Buddhist, and Christian, and Muslim, all these religions had some established rules related to social sciences. But at that time, it wasn’t considered a form of science, it was just practiced as a common method of daily transactions.

The Modern History of the Social Sciences starts with the age of enlightenment in Europe. In 1650, a natural philosophical revolution happened that changed the course of scientific studies. The Basis for the Social Sciences at the time came from the Moral Philosophy of that era. As time progressed and with it, Social Sciences grew as well. Some major fields that benefited from this include Psychology, anthropology, economics, and communication studies. At the time of the industrial revolution, these fields further progressed and universities from across the globe started offering different degree programs related to these studies. This was also the time when social sciences were divided into two groups based on researchers. Fields like sociobiology and other pure biological fields are the ones that progressed hugely in the 20th century.

In the 21st century, there is a huge range of disciplines and majors that have been added to the social sciences. You can do multiple degrees starting from bachelor to a Doctorate level \degree in any of the fields of social sciences. All these fields are highly acclaimed and based on the data from different sources, millions of students apply for these degrees from all over the United States.

Branches/Disciplines/Majors/Fields of Study of Social Sciences

You have learned about the basics, and the history of social sciences, now it is time for you to know what are the options that you have in social sciences. By options here, I mean different majors or fields of study, or disciplines that you can select for your final year. This selection is very important, and you should always make it with proper consideration and counsel. If you know your interests, then you should apply in the field of your interest. But if you are unaware of your interests in social sciences, you should first learn about them. This learning will help you discover the majors that intrigue you and excite you. Below is a list of a few majors that you can select in social sciences.

●     Anthropology

Anthropology is known as a combination of social sciences, humanities, and biological sciences. In this, you not only learn about human societies but also about human behavior’s impact on human biology. This is known as one of the most important fields of science as it deals with not only the biological changes in humans but also in societies. It deals with the individual level and with the level of a combined society or a complex structure of society. It also deals with subjects from humanities such as arts, fine arts, and literature. You can make a great career in this as a researcher, and as a teacher. Universities offer multiple degrees starting from bachelors and ending at Doctorate in this branch of social sciences.

●     Communication studies

As the name suggests, this is the scientific study of communication. Researchers from communication studies research different things that help humans communicate more effectively. This is a very important field of study. Communication is considered a part of every subject that you study even outside of the scope of the social sciences as well. For example, students who are learning computer science are also taught about communication studies. These help us better communicate with our society. You can make a great career as a communication studies specialist as almost every business needs experts to teach their staff about better ways to communicate, especially in sales divisions. Apart from this, there are opportunities for research, teaching in universities, and colleges, and being a part of businesses that are related to communication.

●     Economics

The modern economy is very complex, and you need economists to help you understand it. Economics is a very important part of the social sciences. Universities and colleges from across the globe offer different degrees in economics, starting from undergraduate to doctorate level. Having a degree in economics can be very beneficial for your career as it helps you understand the working of the economy. Economists are hired at very high-level positions in almost every institute or business. If you have a good grip on subjects related to the economy, you should make it your first choice.

●     Education

Applying the qualitative and quantitative scientific approaches to understand the current education system and work for its betterment comes under the degree of education. You can obtain high-level degrees such as a doctorate in this field and work as a researcher, or teacher. Government and many private businesses hire expert educationists to help them make more efficient learning systems. There are endless job opportunities for people with the right degree in the education field.

●     Geography

Geography is a scientific study of places, countries, borders, and relationships of people with the environment. It is a very important field of study and has a lot of opportunities for researchers. Geography experts are hired by businesses and governments to help them better understand different communities in the world and how they live in their environment. It is a very broad field of study and universities offer multiple high-level degrees in it. You can become a teacher and teach geography, or you can become an expert and help businesses and governments to better understand the environment, people, and geography of a part of the world.

●     History

History is often considered a part of the humanities group, but it is a part of the social sciences. In history, we learn something different about ancient history, and what happened at different times in different parts of the world. After your undergraduate, you can pick up one specific part of the history and do a master’s degree or a Doctorate Degree in that part. The study of history helps us understand the lifestyle of past human civilizations so that we can learn from their experiences. Multiple job opportunities are starting from publications, media outlets, universities, and more.

●     Law

Studies related to law are also considered a part of social sciences as these studies help govern people and create a better society that has a sense of security. Law studies start from L.L.B, include L.L.M, and Doctorate in one specific part of the law. You can become a lawyer after completing your studies and practicing law. There are a lot of high-paying job opportunities for the people who complete their law degrees.

●     Linguistics

Linguistics is related to the learning and understanding of different languages and their impact on cognitive processes and humans. It uses a scientific approach to the learning process. So that a language can be simplified for the non-native speakers, and the natives as well. Universities and colleges offer degrees in linguistics up to the doctorate level.

●     Political science

The study of political sciences is also a part of social sciences as it is related to the impact of politics on humans and societies. There are academic and research-related opportunities for people with political science degrees.

●     Psychology

Psychology is known as one of the first majors that helped lay the foundation of social sciences. Psychologists try to implement the scientific measures on the experiments that conduct and use quantitative and qualitative approaches to analyze data and conclude different results. There are a lot of career opportunities for anyone with a psychology degree, starting from the basics such as clinical psychology, research, teaching, and more.

●     Sociology

Sociology is also a part of the social sciences group. It is the study of individuals and their interactions within their societies. A lot of the time, sociology is mistaken as the sole branch of social sciences. For anyone who wants to continue his studies in sociology, there are multiple options such as Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorate. After doing these degrees, you can help governments and agencies to create better social environments for their citizens, and work with businesses. You can also join the teaching of sociology subjects at different levels based on your qualification in the sociology branch. 

Apart from these, there are a lot of other options in social sciences that you have. There is a huge list of available subjects and branches. You should check the website of your preferred college to see how many social sciences courses they are offering. You should make your choice afterward or select a college that offers your specific course or major in social sciences.

Degree Cost for Social Sciences

There are multiple levels of higher education degrees in social sciences and each degree has a different cost. For example, bachelors, masters, and doctorate, they all have different time of the study, and credit hours. That is why they all have different costs. Here is the list to help you calculate or estimate the cost of a social science degree.

1.   Bachelor’s in social sciences:

Bachelor’s Degree in Social Sciences takes almost four years to complete, and it is done in colleges and universities. The average cost per year is between 28,000$ to 40,000$ depending upon different factors including choice of college or university, and boarding expenses. So, the total cost can be between 120,000 to 200,000$. four years. After your bachelor’s degree, you will be able to obtain different jobs related to your field or major that you choose.

2.   Master’s in social sciences:

A Master’s Degree in Social Sciences requires 2 years, and you can do it from university and degree-awarding colleges. After completing your master’s degree, you will be able to teach your subject as a teacher at the high school level. The average cost for this degree is between 40,000 to 60,000$.

3.   Doctorate in Social Sciences:

A doctorate in Social Science is considered the highest level. It can be a research-based doctorate or a profession-based doctorate in social sciences. The cost for this degree depends on different factors including the time that you take to complete it. It mostly takes 4 to 6 years for students to complete a doctorate. It can cost you up to 300,000$.

Time Required for Social Sciences Degrees

Social Science degrees have three levels, and each level takes a different time. For example, the bachelor’s level takes 4 years to complete, and the master’s level takes two or two and half years. Meanwhile, a doctorate can take most of your time as on average people take 6 to 8 years to complete their doctorate successfully. Some programs may have different timelines, so you should check your program in your preferred college or university to know the exact time required for that specific degree. For example, professional degrees such as L.L.B, and L.L.M, may need more time as compared to normal master’s and bachelor’s degree time. So, you should always check your college to get the exact number of credit hours and years it will take.

Salary and Benefits After Job

We will need to break down this section into three because as your qualification improves, so does your salary and benefits that come with the job. Here are the details about the level of degree and salary with benefits after the job.

1.   After Bachelor:

If you get a job after your bachelor’s, you will have to start working as an assistant and you will have the basic benefits. Your salary and other benefits will also be according to your type of degree. Based on the data from Statistical, and US Government agencies, Bachelor’s in Social Science degree holders can make up to 60,000$ per year as a fresh candidate.

2.   After Master:

If you start a job after your Master’s in Social Sciences, you can make up to 93,000$ per year. This is the result from the United States board of statistics results. You can see there is a huge increase of up to 30,000$. This is because, at this level, you have more knowledge and advanced skills than people with a bachelor’s degree.

3.   After Doctorate:

A doctorate is the highest level of education that you can reach in Social Sciences in the United States. It is a very advanced degree that provides you the latest skills, and more specific knowledge of your field. Based on the statistics, the median pay for a Ph.D. degree holder in social sciences can make up to 125,000$ per year with other benefits of the job such as insurance, job security, bonuses, and more. Researchers can make even more money through different research projects and by writing research papers and teaching.

Jobs Related to Social Sciences

Here are a few examples of social science-related jobs that you can get after completing your degree. Disclaimer, this is just a small list, as there are hundreds of disciplines and each one has different jobs. This list is just to give you an idea about the common jobs after social sciences.

  • Political Scientist
  • Economist
  • Industrial-Organizational Psychologist
  • Sociologist
  • Geographer
  • Psychologist
  • Urban and Regional Planner
  • Historian.
  • Teacher/Professor
  • Lawyer
  • And many more.


There are a lot of disciplines in the field of science for the students who show the potential to excel and further want to continue their studies. These students need to learn about their interests and the options that they have. This knowledge is important as it helps them understand different fields of science. This understanding can help them discover their true interests. These students after discovering their interests in a specific field of science can make a better choice about their future in education.

For example, a person who has an interest in economics can learn about it and discover his/her liking of the subject. This will help that student to choose while selecting a degree for his/her professional career. Students who make choices based on their interests have excellent results afterward. That is why most prestigious schools in the United States have career counsels that help these students discover their interests and help them make the right career choice.

There are a lot of fields related to science, and social sciences are also one of them. If you are looking forward to getting your degree in social sciences, then you are in the right place, because this article contains all the information that you need to choose by selecting the social sciences as your major.

Summary and Conclusion

The Social Sciences is a branch of scientific study related to understanding the human’s interactions in societies, and relationships among individuals in societies. This field of study is one of the most important fields in science as it incorporates different scientific studies for the betterment of the human lifestyle. It is helping improve the lifestyle of billions of people. Social Studies is a scientific field of study because it uses scientific approaches and methods such as quantitative and qualitative analysis to understand the data and form conclusions. It helps us understand the problems within our societies so that we can correct them before they make our society morally corrupt.

Social Sciences have been in practice for thousands of years, since the time of the first human civilization. But it began as a different science subject after the 1650’s revolution. It changed the course of scientific study, and many new disciplines were introduced. In the 19th and 20th century a lot of universities started offering different degree programs in Social Sciences. This helped establish the social sciences as a separate form of science. There is a huge list of majors and branches of social sciences that students can take and get the highest level of the degree including a Doctorate.

There are a lot of benefits of social sciences for the students who want to study social sciences. It can help them get a job as soon as they complete their Bachelor’s in Social Sciences. Not only that, if they continue their education and reach master’s or Doctorate level, they can get higher salaries and other job benefits. People with a doctorate can teach at the university level and publish their research. So, if you are deciding about taking a Social Sciences subject, you should know that you will have a great future ahead of you.

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