What You Can Do with a Biology Degree? Career Paths, Salaries, and Benefits

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Biology is also one of the most diverse degrees, as it offers a lot of great opportunities for a career in multiple fields. Biology is about the study of living organisms, and students who are interested in learning about life, and living organisms should take biological sciences. This is one of the best career choices in science. Because it not only opens multiple career opportunities in the vast number of fields of biological sciences but also offers some of the high-paying careers as well. From the government to the private sector, there is a huge demand for biological science graduates all the time. Students who take biology do not only have career opportunities in the field of research, experimentation, lab work, but also in the field of education, medical treatment, pharmacy, and administrative work. If you take a biology degree in college, you can also become a physician or a dentist, these two are some of the highest paying career choices in the world. Here are some of the top career choices after taking biology as a major in college.

Top 15 Career Choices After a Biology Degree:

These are the top fifteen career choices that you can make after your biology degree.

  • Botanist
  • Biochemist
  • Zoologist
  • Ecologist
  • Dentist
  • Physician
  • Biotechnologist
  • Pharmacist
  • Forensic Scientist
  • Research Scientist
  • Nature conservation officer
  • Teacher/Lecturer/Professor
  • Science Journal Writer
  • Food Scientists
  • Registered Nurse

Here are the details about each of these career choices in biological sciences.

1.  Botanist:

Biology students learn about both plants and animals during their degrees. This gives them the knowledge they need to become botanists. The job of a botanist is related to plants research, for example growing plants in different environments, new techniques for plant growth, conservation of plants and forests, researching plant genetics, and creating new genetic variations of the plants that provide better results or produce more food. This job role has both research and experimentation and also fieldwork. So, you can become a researcher after your graduation, or you can select the fieldwork.

The research work that botanists do is very important for the future of humanity as they are helping develop new agricultural innovations that will help humanity feed the huge population of the future. The median income of a botanist is about $64,010 per year, and there are 39,000 job positions in the United States. Also, the data from the BLS shows a 7% growth rate throughout the next decade. 

2. Biochemist:

After completing your bachelor’s degree in biology, you can become a biochemist. There are a lot of job opportunities related to biochemistry positions. You can join pharma companies as a researcher, or a governmental agency on biochemistry and pharmacology-related research. Biochemists work with other scientists and researchers and they help plan complex experimentation procedures. For example, if a company wants to test two medicines, they will ask biochemists to help them create two sets of experimental groups so that medicine or vaccine can be tested. Biochemists are sometimes also responsible for refining the already present experimental procedures to enhance the yields.

But this job requires higher education, a doctorate in most cases. So, to get this job, you will have to continue your studies and reach the doctoral level. After your bachelor’s you can join as a junior biochemist, and work with esteemed researchers and learn from their experience. The job of a biochemist is one of the highest paying jobs in this field, the median income of a biochemist is about $94,270. The total number of jobs as of 2020 is 34,800, and the job outlook data shows almost 5% growth for the next ten years.

3. Zoologist:

Zoologists are the ones who study animals, (living organisms from the animal kingdom). Their job role requires studying the behaviors of animals in different environments. They not only research the behaviors of animals, but they also work on finding out what is happening inside the animals as well. This job also requires both fieldwork and lab work. You can start this job after your graduation, but to reach the top level in this field, you will have to continue your education.

There are multiple career opportunities in both the government and private sectors for zoologists. According to the data from BLS, the median income of a zoologist is about $66,350 per year, while the top earners can make more than $100000. The total number of jobs related to the zoologist positions as of 2020 is 18,500, and the job outlook data shows 5% growth for the next decade.

4. Ecologist:

Ecology is one of the most important fields in biology, and ecologists are responsible for studying the relation of living organisms within an ecosystem. They conduct experimentation that helps understand the ecology of an area. For example, ecologists introduce new species in environments to study how that species interacts with that ecosystem. Ecologists are now helping governments to cope with global warming and environmental conservation efforts. This job requires higher qualifications. After graduation, you can start as a junior researcher or assistant, and after some experience and further education, you can reach the top position.

This job also requires both lab and fieldwork. There are a lot of job opportunities in both government and private sectors. You can join government research programs, or studies being conducted by private organizations. Ecologists have a median income of $73,230 and the total number of jobs as of 2020 is about 87,100 and the job outlook data for ecologists shows 8% growth for the next decade.

5. Dentist:

After completing your degree in biology, you can also pursue further education in the field of dentistry. There are special education requirements for this job role, for example, you will have to study Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) or Doctor of Medicine in Dentistry/Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD). These are the specialization courses related to the field of dentistry that you will need to start your practice. Although this might take some extra time to study and prepare yourself for this profession, this is worth it.

Dentists are some of the highest-paid workers in the United States. You can join hospitals or even start practice from your clinic. According to the BLS data, dentists have a median income of $164,010, meanwhile, the top earners can make more than $200,000. The total number of dentist’s jobs as of 2020 is about 139,200 in the US, and the job outlook data shows 8% growth in this profession for the next ten years.

6. Physician:

As you know that biological sciences are the study of living, so you should know that it can help you make a career as a Physician. But to become a Physician, you will have to complete another degree from a medical school. You will then have to complete a residency program of 3 to 9 years. These are diverse programs and you complete these residency and internship programs at a given hospital. Your progress is then assessed and you are cleared for practice. You can start your clinic, or join a hospital and work there as a specialist.

This is one of the highest-paying career choices as doctors make more than $100 per hour. This career also takes a lot of time, but as soon as your internship starts you will be making enough money to support your career. According to the data from BLS, physicians and surgeons have a median income of $208,000 per year, meanwhile, the top earners can make millions during the practice. The total number of jobs as of 2020 was 727,000, and the job outlook data shows 3% growth in this profession.

7. Biotechnologist:

You can also become a biotechnologist after completing your degree in biology. To become a biologist, you may need further education as this field requires deep knowledge of the latest advancements in biotechnology. So having Masters, or a doctoral degree can increase your chances of employability and salary. But you can start your career soon after completing your degree in biology. After completing the two years of your education during your four-year degree plan, you will have to select biotechnology as your major area of study in biology.

This will help you prepare for the future. Biotechnologist job roles require studying the basic structure of life elements, i.e cells. The median income of a biotechnologist is about $92,620, and the top earners and researchers can make more than $150,000 per year. The total number of jobs related to the field of biotechnology is 19,300 and the job outlook data from the BLS shows 6% growth.

8. Pharmacist:

Pharmacology is the study of medicine, its impacts on the human body, and its side effects. The job of a pharmacist is to dispense the drugs that are prescribed by the physicians. But this job role is not limited to just dispensing the medicines. You can become a pharmacist after completing your college degree in biology and after taking a specialized course in pharmacology. You have two options in this regard, one is to directly opt for the Pharm-D degree that is the doctorate of pharmacology. Or select a bachelor in biology and then complete your further education in pharmacology.

Both of these options take a lot of time and effort to complete, but after completing your doctorate in pharmacology, you will be making a six-figure salary per year. There are multiple governments and private-sector job opportunities in the hospitals, medical stores, clinics, and also in the pharma industry as well. The median income of a pharmacist is about $128,710 per year, and the top earners can make more than $200,000. The total number of jobs as of 2020 is 322,200. But the job outlook data for the next ten years show a decline of -2%.

9. Forensic Scientist:

You can also become a forensic scientist after completing your degree in biology. During your study at college or university, you will learn about the different branches of biology, including forensic sciences. You can take them as a major for your Master’s or doctorate and can become a forensic scientist. The job of a forensic scientist is to use scientific methods to analyze evidence related to the crimes. You can become a forensic scientist in your local police, or law enforcement office or you can become a federal forensics expert.

There are a lot of job opportunities in this field apart from the jobs in law enforcement, as you can join the private sector firms that conduct analytical experimentation or forensic experimentation. The forensic scientists have a median income of $62,570, meanwhile, the top earners can make six-figure salaries per year. The total number of jobs in this profession is about 17,200 but this profession will witness 16% growth in the next ten years, which is one of the faster than average.

10. Research Scientist:

After completing your degree with a biology major, you can also become a research scientist. The job of a research scientist is to design experiments and research the topics. A biological research scientist can research multiple questions and theories in biology and help produce the exact right results. It can help the researchers earn a lot of money and fame in the scientific community as well. You can start as an assistant, but to reach the top positions, you will need a doctorate in your specific field of research.

According to the data from BLS, the median income of research scientists is $101,050, but the top earners can make even more. In different bioresearch fields, there are a total of 55,520 jobs in the US. The job outlook data show 5% growth in this profession for the next ten years.

11. Nature conservation officer:

You can also become a nature conservation officer after completing your degree in biology. The job of a nature conservation officer is to look after the area that he/she is assigned to and make sure that the natural habitats in that area are not being destroyed. The nature conservation officers ensure the safety and well-being of animals, plants, fishes, and other living organisms in their locality. This is a government job position, but you can also work for private investors and companies who are working in this field.

There are also a lot of job positions in multiple NGOs all over the world. According to the BLS data, the median income of a conservation officer is $64,010 per year, while the top earners can make a six-figure income as well. There are a total of 39,000 jobs in this profession and according to the predictions of job outlook data, this job will show 7% growth in the next decade.

12. Teacher/Lecturer/Professor:

If you are interested in the teaching profession, you should know that there are endless job opportunities for anyone with a biology degree. You can join a local school and teach kids, or join a college and teach undergraduate students, or you can join a university where you can teach the Masters and Doctoral candidates. Each teaching opportunity offers different benefits, for example, as a high school teacher, you will be making $50,000 to $60,000.

But as a college and university professor, you can make up to $150,000 per year along with other benefits. But to teach at these levels, you will need different degrees and experience. The median income of a postsecondary teacher is about $80,560, and the total number of job positions is 1,276,900. The job outlook data shows up to 12% growth in this profession for the next ten years.

13. Science Journal Writer:

After completing your degree in biology, if you are not interested in researching, or experimentation, but want to become a writer, you can do that as well. You can start writing for the science journals. There are a lot of options starting from local to international scientific journals. Where you can publish your theories or the work of other scientists. You can also do interviews with the top scientists and publish them. You can become a science reporter or journalist as well. All of these positions require the knowledge of science and an understanding of the theories and principles.

So, you will be better suited for this job as compared to an ordinary journalist. You can start as a science journalist soon after your bachelor’s degree, but to get recognized as a science writer, you will need further education. A Ph.D. in biological sciences can help you become the top science journalist in the world. According to the BLS, the median salary of a writer is about $67,120 per year. The total number of jobs for this profession is about 132,700, and the job outlook data shows a growth of 9% for the next decade.

14. Food Scientists:

During a biology degree, you also learn about food and how living organisms interact with it. This knowledge and skill will help you in becoming a food scientist. The job of a food scientist is to work with agricultural departments of the government and help increase the yield of food crops. This field also requires both lab work and fieldwork. There are a lot of job opportunities related to this profession in the private sector as well. Food scientists not only work on producing more food, but also work on better ways to preserve food, and grow food in more efficient ways. For example, vertical farming, and hydroponics techniques in agriculture.

Food scientists also work on multiple kinds of research works related to the mitigation of risk in agricultural and food production fields. Some food scientists also work as food inspectors and help ensure that restaurants and businesses are offering healthy food to their customers. You can start this career soon after your bachelor’s but having a Master’s or doctorate is a plus. The median income of a food scientist is about $68,830 per year, while top earners can make six-figure salaries as well. The total number of jobs in this field is about 37,300 and the job outlook shows 9% growth.

15. Registered Nurse:

You can also become a registered nurse after completing your degree in biology. Nurses need to complete a bachelor’s degree and then a diploma in nursing, they can also take a direct nursing degree. Registered nurses are required at every hospital as they assist doctors in attending to the needs of their patients. Registered nurses can also open their nursing homes, and start working as nurses attending for patients who need special care.

Nursing is one of the high-paying professions as the median income of registered nurses is about $75,330 per year, while the top earners can make a six-figure income as well. There are also a lot of career growth opportunities. The total number of nurses working in the United States is about 3,080,100, and the job outlook shows a 9% growth rate for the next decade.

Benefits and Salaries for Biology Related Jobs:

Job TitleTotal Number of JobsRequired DegreeJob OutlookPer year Salary
  Ecologist.  87,100Bachelor’s/Master’s/Doctorate8%$73,230
Dentist.    139,200Bachelor’s/Master’s/Doctorate8%$164,010
Physician.  727,000Bachelor’s/Master’s/Doctorate3%$208,000
  Pharmacist.  322,200Bachelor’s/Master’s/Doctorate-2%$128,710
Forensic Scientist.    17,200Bachelor’s/Master’s/Doctorate16%$62,570
Research Scientist.55,520Bachelor’s/Master’s/Doctorate5%$101,050
  Nature conservation officer.    39,000Bachelor’s/Master’s/Doctorate7%$64,010
  Science Journal Writer.  132,700Bachelor’s/Master’s/Doctorate9%$67,120
Food Scientists.    37,300Bachelor’s/Master’s/Doctorate9%$68,830
Registered Nurse3,080,100Bachelor’s/Master’s/Doctorate9%$75,330

Note:(Bachelors for the job and Masters for further promotion) data source bls.gov

Types of Biology Degrees:

Here are the three most common biology degrees that you can get.

1.   Bachelors:

Bachelor’s is the first degree that you need to start a career in biology-related professions. It is a four-year degree program that requires completing the coursework of 120 credit hours. After completing this degree, you will be eligible to start working as an intern or an assistant. This degree can cost between $100,000 to $200,000. Apart from a degree in BS or BSc, there are a lot of other options in bachelor’s as well.

For example, you can select a branch of biology as your major and complete your education. There are also some professional medical and biological science degrees that you can do such as professional degrees in dental and medical sciences. After these degrees, you will be able to pursue your career in these directions. So, the cost of these profession-specific diplomas and degrees can differ from the normal fees and costs.

A Bachelor’s degree in biology is just to provide you a job, but to excel in that job or to reach the top level in your profession, you will need further education, research, training, and knowledge. That you can only obtain from further education.

2.   Masters:

Master’s in Biology is a two-year-long university study program in which you learn about one specific part of the biological sciences. You obtain advanced knowledge, and skills in your profession or field through your Master’s degree. A Master’s degree also enhances the chances of your employability and increases the basic salary. This two-year degree can cost you between $50,000 to $100,000. You can also pursue a master in profession-oriented biology degree such as a doctor of medicine, or MD, which is a four-year-long degree along with a 3 to 9-year long internship or house job. Apart from these degrees, and special diploma’s most other Master’s degrees in biology are short and only require 2 years to complete.

3.   Doctorate:

A doctorate is a four-year-long, research-based degree with one specific part of biological sciences as a major. This degree requires completing 120 credit hours of coursework and research in your specific field. A doctorate can cost you up to $250,000 but it is worth it. This is because it offers you the chance to become a top scientist or researcher in your field. You can then join some of the most prestigious companies and research institutes around the world. This also offers you a better salary and many other job benefits.

Skills You Will Learn from Biology Degree:

  • Life-saving skills,
  • Communication skills,
  • Research and analytical skills.
  • Basics of working in a lab environment.
  • Basic to advance knowledge of living organisms.
  • Biotechnology, and bioengineering-related skills.
  • Business and administrative skills that you will need to start your own business.


Selecting biology as a major for your college can have multiple benefits for you. There are a lot of branches of biology, and you can select any one of your choices and pursue a high-paying career. There are separate professions for each of the job positions in biological fields that offer an increased number of jobs and job benefits. There are three basic types of degrees, BS, MS, and Ph.D. 

But there are also some short degrees and profession-related courses such as BDS, and MD. These courses and diplomas help you prepare for professional life. For example, a diploma in nursing helps you become a nurse. It provides all the basic knowledge and hands-on experience that you need for this job. The final decision is yours to make, but I would advise that if you are interested in life sciences and biology, you should take biology as a major in college.


Question: What are the highest paying jobs with a biology degree?

Answer: Here are some of the highest-paying jobs that you can get after a degree in biology.

  • Physician,
  • Dentist,
  • Nurse,
  • Ecologist,
  • Veterinary Doctor,
  • Conservation officer,
  • Medical researcher,
  • Pharmacist,
  • Biotechnologist,
  • Biochemist.

Question: Is biology a hard major?

Answer: Yes, as compared to many other majors, biology is considered a hard major. This is because it requires the most detailed study of not just one major, but also many sub-majors. You should be good at biology if you are selecting it as a major, otherwise, you will have to double the struggle to get a good GPA in college.

Question: Can I become a Physician, Nurse, or Dentist after a degree in biology?

Answer: Yes, you can become a physician, dentist, or nurse after a degree in biology, but you will also have to complete other diplomas and field-specific degrees as well. For example, dentists will need to complete DDS (Doctor of Dental Surgery) or DMD (Doctor of Dental Medicine) after their degree in biology. And the Physicians will need to complete a doctor of medicine degree or MD. This same rule applies to the nurses as well, they have to go through a nursing diploma or degree after their degree in biology.

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