What Can You Do with an Education Degree? Career Paths, Salaries, and Benefits

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Education is a major that is designed for those who want to become teachers. It is a major in which you learn different teaching techniques. It provides you with the skills that you need to become an effective teacher. The purpose of an education major is not just to produce school teachers, but also training instructors, counselors, guides, and people who can motivate others to learn. It is one of those majors that offers multiple employment opportunities and you can choose between more than one career. You can make a better choice if you know all of your options. The article below contains a list of the top fifteen career choices that a person with an education degree would have. It will provide you with the information that you need to make the right choice about your career.

Top 15 Career Choices After an Education Degree:

Here are the top fifteen best, and highest paying career choices after an education degree.

  • Guidance Counselor
  • School Psychologist
  • Career Counselor
  • Juvenile Corrections Worker
  • Family Counselor
  • Education Consultant
  • Admission Counselor/Recruiter
  • Child life Specialist
  • Special Education Teacher
  • Middle School Teacher
  • Elementary School Teacher
  • Instructional Coordinator
  • High School Teacher
  • Technical Teacher
  • Education Writer

Below is the detail about each of these career choices in Education.

1. Guidance Counselor:

After completing your degree with education as a major, you can become a Guidance Counselor. The job responsibilities of a Guidance Counselor include multiple tasks such as providing academic counseling to the students who need it. They also provide personal and career-related counseling services as well. Schools, colleges, community hospitals, and universities hire Guidance Counselors for this purpose. Apart from guiding the students in need, they also assess their performances, potential skills, and their ability to do things. You can get this job after a bachelor’s degree, but if you have higher degrees, it can increase the chances of your employment.

If you have some experience in the field, you can expect a better salary and job benefits. According to the data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median income of Guidance Counselors is about $58,120. The top earners in this profession can make more than $97,910. Meanwhile, the lowest ten percent earners can make up to $35,620 per year. The total number of jobs in this profession was about 322,000 and the job outlook data shows a growth rate of 11% for the next decade. There are a lot of jobs available in this profession that means there is less competition and you can easily get a job.

2. School Psychologist:

The mental health of the students is also very important for them to succeed. That is why schools, colleges, and universities hire professional psychologists for this purpose. The job of a School Psychologist is to analyze the mental health and condition of a student so that the school can intervene if a student needs help. School Psychologists study the emotional and behavioral displays of the students to determine their mental health based on the theories of psychology. There are a lot of jobs available in this profession as every school in the United States needs a School Psychologist.

More jobs mean less competition and more chances of employment. You can get the job of a school psychologist after completing your degree. This job mostly does not require experience. But if you have any experience, it would contribute positively towards your employability. According to the data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median salary of a School Psychologist is about $79,820, while the top ten percent of earners can make more than $137,590 and the lowest ten percent make up to $46,270 per year. The job outlook data for this job shows an 8% growth rate for the next ten years, and the total number of jobs as of 2020 in this profession is about 178,900.

3. Career Counselor:

Another job that you can get with an education major is the job of a career counselor. Career counselors are experts in providing advice related to the career choices of students. They are well aware of the condition of their students and help people find their talents. Career counselors work at different levels, for example, some career counselors work for schools, colleges, and other academic institutes. While some career counselors also work for businesses and companies.

A career counselor learns the behaviors of their subjects and provides specific advice that can help them find their future jobs and or find a stable career path. According to the data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median salary of a career counselor is about $58,120, while the top ten percent earners can make more than $97,910 and the lowest ten percent make up to $35,620 per year. The job outlook data for this job shows an 11% growth rate for the next ten years, and the total number of jobs as of 2020 in this profession is about 322,000. The results of this data show that there are more jobs in this profession and it has less competition.

4. Juvenile Corrections Worker:

You can also become a Juvenile Corrections Worker after completing your degree with an education major. If a young person commits a crime, he’s sent to a juvenile jail or correctional facility. The Juvenile Corrections Workers work for governments and NGOs that guide those young people. Their job duties include working with juveniles and guiding them away from a life without crimes. Juvenile Corrections Workers are also responsible for transporting inmates to and from court hearings, medical facilities, recreational places, classes, and academies. You can get this job after a bachelor’s degree but having advanced degrees can increase your chances of getting employed.

You can become a Juvenile Corrections Worker soon after completing your degree. This job requires minimum training. According to the data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median salary of a Juvenile Corrections Worker is about $55,690, while the top ten percent earners can make more than $98,510 and the lowest ten percent make up to  $36,990 per year. The job outlook data for this job shows a 4% growth rate for the next ten years, and the total number of jobs as of 2020 in this profession is about 92,700. As you can see that there are only a limited number of jobs available in this profession, which means there will be more competition for this job.

5. Family Counselor:

After completing your degree, you can also become a family counselor. The job of a family counselor is to listen to the concerns of family members and help them sort out their problems. Family counselors work for different communities, hospitals, and they also work alone as private counselors. Anyone can hire their services if they are going through a rough patch in their marriage. The job duties of a family counselor include evaluating the differences and helping them sort out these problems through different sessions. You can start this job after completing your bachelor’s degree but you must also have some certification and registration with your state.

The  Council for Accreditation of Counseling & Related Educational Programs (CACREP), the Commission on Accreditation for Marriage and Family Therapy Education (COAMFTE), and the Masters in Psychology and Counseling Accreditation Council (MPCAC) are some of these institutes that you might have to register to become an accredited counselor. According to the data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median salary of a family counselor is about $51,340. The job outlook data for this job shows a 16% growth rate for the next ten years, and the total number of jobs as of 2020 in this profession is about 73,200. Low employment changes mean that there will be a lot of competition in this field. 

6. Education Consultant:

You can also become an education consultant after your degree. They work for the federal government, state governments, schools, colleges, universities, and private institutions. Every skill that you need for this job comes from the education major and relevant subjects that you study in college. The job duties of an educational consultant include advising students on academic issues. For example, helping them select a college for further studies, or how to improve their college grades, providing them guidance related to their admission essays.

This job requires having some experience. Fresh candidates are also hired frequently. According to the data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median salary of an education consultant is about $66,970, while the top ten percent earners can make more than $105,650 and the lowest ten percent make up to $39,270 per year. It is one of the only few jobs after an education major that offers a six-figure income. The job outlook data for this job shows a 10% growth rate for the next ten years, and the total number of jobs as of 2020 in this profession is about 190,400. This means there are a lot of job opportunities in this field with slight competition.

7. Admission Counselor/Recruiter:

You can also get the job of an admission counselor or a recruiter after completing your degree with an education major. Their job is to provide information to the students and their parents that would help the students to get admission into colleges and universities. Apart from this, they also work for businesses and help them hire fresh candidates. You can get this job after completing your bachelor’s degree but having a Master’s or doctorate would increase your employability and would also impact your salary and benefits. There are no licensing requirements by the federal government but state and local governments might require some licensing or registration.

You should check that information with your state. According to the data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median salary of an Admission Counselor/Recruiter is about $58,120, while the top ten percent earners can make more than $97,910 and the lowest ten percent make up to $35,620 per year. The job outlook data for this job shows an 11% growth rate for the next ten years, and the total number of jobs as of 2020 in this profession is about 322,000. This means that there will be more jobs and employment chances in this profession.

8. Child life Specialist:

You can also become a child life specialist after completing your education. After completing your degree, you will have to become a certified child life specialist. Their job is to help the young students who are suffering from mental health issues or who are not normal and have special care needs. Child life specialists work at hospitals, government agencies, and schools.  They help students cope with their mental issues and become an effective member of society.

People who understand children’s psychology are better suited for this job. According to the data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median salary of a child life specialist is about $60,000, and the total number of jobs in this profession is about 53,500. The projected growth for the next decade is about 7%, which is moderate as compared to other jobs related to this field. This job has more competition but offers better salaries.

9. Special Education Teacher:

Special education teachers teach specially-abled students, and you can become one after completing your degree with an education major. This job requires a Bachelor’s degree and some training in teaching special kids. Special education teachers’ job duties include teaching the subjects, assessing the skills of their students, creating educational material that is easy and understandable for the special children. Special education teachers also develop Individualized Education Programs programs for every student. These programs cover the needs of every student in their class.

There are a lot of chances of growth in this profession as you can explore more fields in special education. According to the data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median salary of a special education teacher is about $61,500, while the top ten percent earners can make more than $100,570 and the lowest ten percent make up to $40,820 per year. The job outlook data for this job shows an 8% growth rate for the next ten years, and the total number of jobs as of 2020 in this profession is about 463,200. From the job outlook data, we can conclude that there will be more jobs in the future but there will also be more competition in this field.

10.  Middle School Teacher:

After completing your degree, you can also become a middle school teacher in your community or locality and teach students. The job of a middle school teacher requires creating lesson plans for the students to teach, creating papers, and assisting the kids in the learning process. The middle school teacher also helps schools in assessing the success of their students. Apart from that, they also help their students improve their academic condition. They also stay in touch with the parents and provide them insight into the educational experience of their kids. It offers some of the highest salaries after an education major.

Most middle school teacher jobs only need a bachelor’s degree but some jobs might also require having a master’s. According to the data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median salary of a middle school teacher is about $60,810 while the top ten percent of earners can make more than $98,840 and the lowest ten percent make up to $40,930 per year. The job outlook data for this job shows a 7% growth rate for the next ten years, and the total number of jobs as of 2020 in this profession is about 598,500. As you can see there are a lot of job opportunities in this field that means there will be less competition for this job.

11. Elementary School Teacher:

Apart from becoming a middle school teacher, you also have the choice of becoming an elementary school teacher after completing your degree with an education major.  Their job duties include keeping the classrooms under control. Elementary school teachers also develop lesson plans and update parents with the educational progress of their kids. They also give the students assignments and tests and analyze their progress. It is one of the only few jobs after an education major that offers a chance to earn a six-figure salary per year. This job requires having a Master’s degree. If you have experience in teaching kids, you will be preferred for this job.

Some teachers also have to perform extra duties such as watching the kids while they are in halls or monitoring the food courts. According to the data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median salary of an Elementary School Teacher is about $60,660, while the top ten percent earners can make more than $100,480 and the lowest ten percent make up to$40,030 per year. The job outlook data for this job shows an 8% growth rate for the next ten years, and the total number of jobs as of 2020 in this profession is about 1,492,400.

12. Instructional Coordinator:

You can also become an instructional coordinator after completing your degree. Their job is to help school teachers and local boards or school districts to develop an educational plan for their studies. Apart from that, they are also responsible for creating a curriculum, arranging workshops for teachers so that they can be trained. According to the data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median salary of an Instructional Coordinator is about $66,970 per year.

Most of these jobs require having a Master’s or a doctorate. The top ten percent of earners can make more than  $105,650. That means it is one of the only few jobs after an education major that offers a six-figure salary. The lowest ten percent make up to $39,270 per year. The job outlook data for this job shows a 10% growth rate for the next ten years, and the total number of jobs as of 2020 in this profession is about 190,400. The job growth rate of this job is greater than many other jobs after this major. That means there are better employment chances in this profession.

13. High School Teacher:

If you are committed to becoming a teacher, you can do that after completing your degree with an education major. You can become a teacher at the high-school level and teach the senior kids at school. This job mostly requires having a Master’s and some certifications in the teaching field. High school teachers earn more than elementary, kindergarten, or middle school teachers. Some of these jobs even offer a six-figure salary.

According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median salary of a high-school teacher is about $62,870 while the top ten percent earners can make more than $102,130 and the lowest ten percent make up to $41,000 per year. The total number of jobs as of 2020 in this profession was about 998,800 and it has a job growth rate of 8% which is average fast. This means, there are average job opportunities and less competition.

14. Technical Teacher:

Technical teachers are responsible for teaching technical trades and training students in different skills. You can also get this job after completing your degree. This job requires a deeper understanding of the learning process of students. That is why technical teacher jobs are occupied by the people with the knowledge of a trade or those who know the process of education. This job requires a Master’s degree along with a teachable skill. For example, if you know carpentry, singing, drama, or painting, you can get this job and teach craftsmanship to the students.

Master’s is the minimum education requirement for this job along with some experience. According to the data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median salary of a technical teacher is about $59,140 per year. The total number of jobs as of 2020 in this profession was about 198,100 and the growth rate of this job for the next decade is about 5%. Which is one of the average growth rates after education for major jobs. There is a decent amount of jobs in this profession with small competition.

15.  Writer:

You can also become a writer after completing your degree with an education major. You can write on multiple topics related to education. You can also conduct deeper research on educational theories and write research papers or become a journalist and write about educational news editorials. There is no limit to education in this job but having a higher degree will increase your employability and will also impact your salary and other benefits.

You can become a freelance writer and write for remote clients, or join a regular writing job. This gives you the flexibility that most people want from their career options. The data from BLS shows that writers make $67,120 as median income. As of 2020, there are more than 143,200 writer job positions. Also, the job growth outlook data shows a 9% growth rate which is a decent growth rate.

Benefits and Salaries for Education-Related Jobs:

Job TitleNumber of Jobs as of 2020Required DegreeJob OutlookPer year Salary
Guidance Counselor322,000Bachelor-Master-Ph.D.11% $58,120
School Psychologist178,900Bachelor-Master-Ph.D.8%$79,820
Career Counselor322,000Bachelor-Master-Ph.D.11%$58,120
Juvenile Corrections Worker92,700Bachelor-Master-Ph.D.4%$55,690
Family Counselor73,200Bachelor-Master-Ph.D.16%$51,340
Education Consultant190,400Bachelor-Master-Ph.D.10%$66,970
Admission Counselor/Recruiter322,000Bachelor-Master-Ph.D.11% $58,120
Child life Specialist53,500Bachelor-Master-Ph.D.7%$60,000
Special Education Teacher463,200Bachelor-Master-Ph.D.8%$61,500
Middle School Teacher598,500Bachelor-Master-Ph.D.7%$60,810
Elementary School Teacher1,492,400Bachelor-Master-Ph.D.8%$60,660
Instructional Coordinator190,400Bachelor-Master-Ph.D.10%$66,970
High School Teacher998,800Bachelor-Master-Ph.D.8%$62,870
Technical Teacher198,100Bachelor-Master-Ph.D.5%$59,140

Note:(Bachelors for the job and Masters for further promotion) data source bls.gov

Types of Education Degrees:

Here is the list of the top three degrees that you can do with an education major.

1.   Bachelor in Education:

This is the first and most common education degree. It is a four-year-long degree that you can do from colleges and universities. Bachelor’s degree requires studying multiple subjects related to education. It can cost between $100,000 to $200,000 depending on your circumstances. Admission requirements for this major are simple, you must pass an academic test, and have a good GPA in the previous exam. After completing your degree, you will become eligible for many jobs in the education, training, and counseling sectors.

2.   Master in Education:

Master’s in Education is the second degree after a Bachelor’s. It is an advanced education degree in which your focus will be on research and development of different educational theories. It can take 2 to 3 years to complete. It has four semesters and requires studying advanced subjects in education. This degree can cost you between $60,000 to $120,000 in total.

3.   Ph.D. or Doctor of Education.:

The doctorate of education is the highest degree in this field; it is equivalent to the Ph.D. This degree can take between 4 to 8 years. It requires researching multiple educational theories. You will be conducting research, formulating theories, and publishing your research. This research will provide you with the highest level of skills that you need to do any job in the field of education. It increases your chances of employment, can help you earn more.

Skills You Will Learn From Education Degree:

  • Communication
  • Effective writing
  • Public speaking
  • Teaching in class
  • Ability to speak in front of an audience
  • Motivating others
  • Creating lesson plans
  • Different teaching methods
  • Ability to assess the progress


The article above contains information about education majors and careers that are related to education majors. The education major offers some of the best jobs that not only pay very well but also offer other benefits such as job security. These jobs are mostly related to teaching, writing, counseling, and advising the students. Most people with education majors get jobs in local schools, colleges, universities, and hospitals. So, if you are looking for a major that offers some of the best jobs and provides a stable salary. The data above will help you decide to take education as a major.


Question: Is Education a hard major?

Answer: No, education majors are known as some of the easy majors. It is considered easy as it does not require knowing mathematical, or scientific information. Also, it is easy to get admission into an education major that is why it is known as an easy major.

Question: What are the jobs related to an “Education” degree?

Answer: Here are some of the jobs that are related to an Education degree. Guidance Counselor, School Psychologist, Career Counselor, Juvenile Corrections Worker, Family Counselor. Education Consultant, Admission Counselor/Recruiter, Child life Specialist, High School Teacher. Technical Teacher, Education Writer.

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