What is a Bachelor’s Degree?

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What is a Bachelor’s Degree? Bachelor’s Degree is a four-year-long university, or a college education program in which students learn about their subject of study. Bachelor’s Degree starts after you graduate from school. In a bachelor’s degree program, you not only learn about the subject related to your field, but you also learn extra subjects as well. For example, if you want a degree in computer science, you will learn about computer science, and many other subjects such as Mathematics, Communication, Literature, Psychology, and other subjects that may not be relevant to your field of study. This study program is usually divided into two different phases.

In the first two years, you learn about your subject and all other related subjects in general, but in the last two years, you focus on part of our field. For example, if you are doing a degree in computer science, you will learn about computers in general in the first two years. Meanwhile, in the last two years, you will pick a specific field in computer science that you would continue to research or do practical work. You can select AI, programming, graphics, software engineering, and more.

A bachelor’s degree helps you kick start your career, not only as a student but also as a professional. If you want to become a researcher, or a scientist, or a writer, or journalist, having a degree can improve your skillset. A degree is not necessary for every job, but if you have a degree, it would serve as a legitimate qualification to enter your field. Not only that, but it would also increase your chances of getting a better job, faster promotions, and may even get you a management job as well.

But what type of job you will get after your degree, all depends on what type of degree you choose. There are multiple fields and you can select any of these fields to do your bachelor’s degree. Science, arts, engineering, medical, economics, history, literature, psychology, and philosophy are a few most common fields of study that you can choose from. It is very important to consider your choices according to your interests and not according to what job you will get. This is important because you can only excel if you select the field of study that you are interested in.

Importance of a Bachelor’s Degree:

It is very important to do your bachelor’s degree after you graduate from school. It is not just important for your career, but also personality and life as well. If you go from high school to college, there is a higher chance of you having a decent and healthy lifestyle. This can increase your life expectancy as you will be living life in a better way. During your studies, you may need financial assistance that you can get from banks. You will learn about dealing with different financial institutions and handling your budgets according to your financial situation.

Based on these arguments, we can say that a degree is not just about having a certificate to start a new career. But it is also about learning how to live life more effectively as during your course of study you learn different life skills. These life skills are very important for your future. Experts around the world agree on the fact that people with a degree have a more chance at living a successful life, and the life of their dreams as compared to people without a bachelor’s degree.

Apart from the importance of your career, life goals, and way of life, your degree also impacts your network. During your course of study in college and university, you meet with a lot of people from different backgrounds. This helps you increase your network and circle of friends. As a high school graduate, you would only have the chance to meet people who live in your county or live near the school where you were.

But, if you go to college, you will meet people from all over the world. This would help you learn about the customs, and traditions of other people and how they live. This knowledge can enhance your work-life experience. Knowledge of diversity can increase your chances of success at properly communicating with them. These are the reasons why experts advise you to continue your education even after graduation from school.

Common Types of Bachelor’s Degree:

You have learned about why a bachelor’s degree and further education after school are important. Now, let’s learn about what are some of the common options that you have. There are multiple types of bachelor’s degrees that you can get after school, but four of them are the most common. Here is a list of these degrees.

●     Bachelors of Arts – B.A.:

Bachelor of Arts is simply known as the B.A. and refers to completing your college education in arts subjects. If you select degrees like linguistics, English Literature, Fine arts, and other degrees that do not require a background in science your degree will be called bachelor of arts. There is a huge range of subjects that you can select from, the examples above are just for an explanation. There is journalism, mass communication, and much more that you can select from.

If you are not interested in science subjects, then you should select B.A. as your future degree. These subject choices can help you become a professional in your respective fields. There are further categories in arts as well, so you will have a huge list of options to select from if you choose to do a bachelor’s in arts. You need to select your career choices very carefully as not all art degrees offer the same type of knowledge and promise similar types of careers. You should select the field of your choice. Almost every college and university offers a bachelor of arts degree.

●     Bachelors of Science- B.S., B.Sc.:

If you have an interest in the scientific fields of study such as chemistry, biology, physics, mathematics, or any of the branches of these subjects, you should select this degree. Bachelor of Science is also known as B.S. or B.Sc. in different parts. Doing a bachelor of science degree can help you kick start your career as a researcher, it can also help you get jobs where technical-scientific skills are required such as fields of chemistry, and biology. There is a huge scope for different science degree holders in almost all types of businesses.

People who are interested in computers can also select the Bachelors of Science- B.S., B.Sc as computer science and related fields are also a part of the science subjects. So, if you want to do software engineering, or want to learn about Information Technology, you can select Bachelors of Science- B.S., B.Sc degree in your respective fields. There are specific tests for entry into the science colleges that you may have to pass. SAT is one of the most recognized tests in the United States and is considered a standard in most States.

●     Bachelors of Engineering- B.E:

If you have a good score in your SATs, and you want to become an engineer, Bachelors of Engineering- B.E is a specific degree that you would need. There are a lot of fields in engineering and you will have to choose the field that you want. For example, if you want to become a petrochemical engineer, you will have to select petrochemical engineering, and if you want to become a civil engineer, you will have to select the option related to civil engineering. Almost all of the science and engineering colleges offer a variety of Bachelors of Engineering- B.E degrees.

Here, once again, you should choose your degree according to your interest in that field. For example, if you want to become a civil engineer, then you should choose civil engineering. Otherwise, you should choose something that intrigues you instead of choosing something that may get you more pay in the future. Because you will only be able to excel if you choose the right type of degree according to your interests. Fields of engineering require a high score on SATs, and also college-specific tests, and a good CGPA in high schools.

●     Bachelors of Technology- B.Tech.:

B.tech or Bachelors of Technology is also a common degree in bachelors these days. We all have seen the rise of technology around us. There is a huge market for people with specific skills related to technology. Different colleges and universities across the United States are offering B.tech degrees in all fields of technology. The degree in b.tech is specifically designed for those who want to implement scientific knowledge to create modern technology. You will need to score high in your SATs and must have a good CGPA in your high school graduation as well.

Other Field Specific Bachelor’s Degrees:

Apart from these general four types of bachelor’s degrees, other degrees are field-specific. I am talking about the degrees such as bachelor’s in commerce or B.Com, and bachelors in business administration or B.B.A. These are field-specific degrees that you can do if you have an interest in that specific field. For example, if you want to become a business administrator or want to reach the management level in an organization, you must complete your business administration degree. You can select your major according to your choice. For example, if you are better at managing employees, you should select Human Resource Management. But if you are good at managing assets or chain management, you should select your major as chain management and asset management.

Apart from B.B.A. There are other field-specific degrees of bachelor’s level such as Aviation, Economics, Statistics, Law, and Medical. These fields are very competitive and also require not only a highER GPA and SATs score. You will have to compete between thousands of students who want the same degree and have the same education. You will have to score perfectly in your entry tests and then there will be a chance that you might get into your specific field in your preferred college or university. If you want to go into any of these competitive fields, you should start preparing yourself for that from your early high school days. You should study hard and make sure that you always score perfectly in your tests and exams.

Importance Of Making the Right Choice:

In the paragraphs above, I have mentioned selecting the right type of bachelor’s degree and selecting the right field, and there is a reason for that. If you do not make the right choice, you will end up spending a long time in college and you will have learned nothing. You will also be in huge student debt. To avoid all of these mistakes, you need to make the right choice. Below are a few tips to help you make the right choice while selecting your degree.

How To Select the Right Bachelor’s Degree?

If you want to avoid making the mistake of choosing the wrong field, or if you do not know what your interests are and what do you want to become in your future, you should get career counseling. Your career counsel would tell you about the different fields of study, and the options that you have. This knowledge will help you search for your interests and you will be able to make a better choice. For example, if you are interested in animals, you should do a Bachelors in Zoology. If you are interested in books, stories, and poetry, then you should select literature as your major.

Here is a list of a few tips to help you figure out your right choice.

  • Know your interests, abilities, and passions.
  • Learn about your future choices.
  • Consider your career goals and check if your degree would help you achieve them.
  • Get career counselor’s to help.
  • Spot advantages and disadvantages of your major.
  • Be ready to change your mind.

Importance of Selecting the Right College or University:

You have learned about why making the right choices during the selection of your major is important, now let’s learn about why selecting the right college is important? As you already know, there are a huge number of universities and colleges that offer bachelor’s degrees. It is important to select the right college or university as your career would depend on it. If you get a degree from a highly respected college or university, you will get a better education and you will also have a better chance at getting a job. But if you choose the wrong college or university that is not relevant to your field of study, you would end up spending your time, and money and still will face difficulties obtaining a job after your degree. So, you should consider your options very carefully.

Here are a few things that can help you.

  • Make a list of colleges and universities relevant to your subject.
  • Weigh the academic quality of each of your options.
  • Know the geographical location of your college or university.
  • Know about the cost, scholarships, student aid, and loan packages.
  • Consider the campus environment and resources that your college is offering.
  • Weigh all of your options according to these and make a perfect selection.

Costs For a Bachelor’s Degree:

The cost of a degree depends on what type of major you choose. Some majors cost less and some majors cost more. So, you should select your major while keeping the budget in mind. But your major is not the only thing that will determine your total expense on your education. Your selection of college will also impact your overall spending. For example, if you select a college or university in your state, you would be paying a lot less than what you would be paying out of your state.

For example, students who applied in their state on average spent 27,000$ meanwhile the students who applied for colleges out of state, had to pay 46,000$ on average per year for education. You can multiply these per year costs to get the total cost of your degree. According to many surveys, the cost for a four-year degree across US states can vary between 110,000$ to 200,000$. These include your college tuition fee, your boarding, and other expenses as well.

Time Required For Bachelor’s Degree:

Bachelor’s Degrees take four years to complete. In these four years, a student must give 30 credit hours to a subject per year. This total amounts to 120 to 130 credit hours in total for a subject. If you are planning on doing a bachelor’s degree, you should keep in mind that you will have to give your four years to this program. If you do not give your full attention to your studies, it will be very difficult for you to pass your exams.

Benefits of a Bachelor’s Degree:

As it was explained in paragraphs earlier, your career needs a boost and you can provide that boost through a professional degree. Having a bachelor’s degree would benefit your career and life in many ways. Here are the details about some of these.

●     Better Employment Chances:

Almost every business in the United States prefers the people with a proper bachelor’s degree over the people with a high school degree. This is because businesses know that a college graduate who may be a fresher without any experience, has a better knowledge base and can compete successfully with the people who do not have a college degree. This helps you increase your chances of getting employment. Think of the scenario where you apply for the job and alongside you a person who has a high school degree only, and you have a college education, you will be given preference over the person who has a high school degree. Not only that, but you will also get better payment, and bonuses as compared to the people who do not have a college degree.

●     Preparation for a Specialized Career:

Your Bachelor’s Degree would also help you prepare yourself for a specialized career choice. For example, if you want to become a researcher in biology, your Bachelor’s Degree would provide you knowledge and expertise to do so. Or think of it as if you want to become a lawyer, no matter how good you are at law, you cannot practice as you do not have the specific college education to do so. Not only this but also in the field of medicine, you cannot become a pharmacist, if you do not have the degree, no matter how good you are at reading prescriptions. So, not having a Bachelor’s Degree has a lot of limitations that do not let you pursue your specific career choice. But if you have a Bachelor’s Degree in your field, no one can stop you from pursuing that career choice.

●     Increased Earning Potential:

As it was already mentioned that a person with a Bachelor’s Degree would get better pay. Furthermore, you will also get better working conditions such as a better office, more bonuses, and a chance to get a faster pay raise based on your performance. These are the things that a non-degree holder will get but this will be much slower. As you will have a better salary, you will be able to live a higher standard of living and would be able to save money for investments. This would further help you increase your earning potential. Also, a person who has a Bachelor’s Degree would be better at managing his/her finances. These are not just assumptions but facts proven by multiple students in this domain.

●     Increased Marketability:

Your degree would increase your marketability. Think of a scenario where a lot of people apply for a job, only a few have a Bachelor’s Degree, if you have a degree, you will be among that pool of people who have a better chance at getting the job. This is your increased marketability and suitability for the jobs. In such cases, you will not be competing with a large number of people who applied for the job, but with only a few people who have an equivalent degree.

●     Faster Promotions:

Getting a job is not enough, even people who do not have a college degree may get equivalent jobs, but when it comes to promotions, only those are promoted who have a specific qualification and skill set to be a leader. During your time at college, you are taught different subjects that may not relate to your subject of study but are very important. For example, students who choose computer science as a major were taught business communication and human resource management.

These subjects are not related to your field of study but would benefit you when you will be considered for promotion. Your superiors would promote the people with the skill of managing people under his supervision. You already know about managing people that you learned during your college years. Now, you can implement it and this can be a base for your promotion over other candidates.

●     Economic Stability and Job Security:

Based on the statistics and data collected during many studies, experts have concluded that people with a Bachelor’s Degree have a better sense of job security as compared to high school graduates. Not only that, but it also leads to the economic stability of these contestants as well. People with a better job and job security have more economic stability as compared to those who do not have it.

●     Doorway to towards a Career in Research:

If you want to become a researcher, and you are looking forward to researching different topics, you will need a Bachelor’s Degree. This is because, after your school, your degree would be the first step that will teach you how to do research. Research and experimentation are two where you will need a piece of proper knowledge and skills to observe, analyze and conclude, and you will learn all of this during your course of study at a college or university. Not only that, but you will also have the chance to meet other researchers in your field and learn from their expertise as well. This will help you build your network in the researcher’s community.

●     Important For Personal Growth and Positive LifeStyle.:

Apart from all of the above benefits of having a Bachelor’s Degree, personal growth is something that your degree will also provide you. Going to a college or university will be a life-changing experience for you. It would be a chance for you to improve yourself and grow personally.

According to multiple studies, people who have attended a university have a more positive view of life and have a better lifestyle. Meanwhile, people who have never been to college, have less chance of living a successful, and positive life. So, your college education and Bachelor’s Degree is not just important for you to get a job, but it is also important for you to live a better life as well.

Bottom Line and Summary:

Bachelor’s Degree is a four-year-long college or university education program in which you learn about multiple subjects and a major subject. It is very important to have a Bachelor’s Degree as it can help you increase your marketability and competency in the job market. Apart from helping you get a job, it can also help you get promotions, bonuses, and help you live a better life. These are the facts that have been proven by multiple studies. But the most important thing here is to select the right type of degree and the right type of college or university for that degree.

A Bachelor’s Degree can cost you between 110,000$ to 200,000$ in different US State colleges and universities. It is required for your year to complete and you will need to pay full attention to your studies to succeed. There are four common types of a Bachelor’s Degree. 1). B.A, 2). BSc, BS, 3). B.E, 4). B.Tech. There are other multiple types of field-specific bachelor’s degrees that you can enter. For example, to enter law, you will need a Bachelor’s Degree in law. You can do these degrees from field-specific colleges, such as law colleges and medical colleges. To enter the colleges, you will have to pass a specific entry test. After your college education completes, you will have a chance to live a better life. For that reason, having a Bachelor’s Degree is very important.

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