What is a Master’s Degree?

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To most people, a Bachelor’s degree is enough to help them in their career as they no longer wish to further study. But to some people, a Bachelor’s is not enough as they want to excel in their field and want to obtain further education or want to continue the research work or real-world project that they started in their early education. For these people, the next step is further enhancement into their already present skills, and knowledge related to their fields. This further enhancement comes through the next level of education. After a Bachelor’s, the next level of educational degree is a Master’s. It is a highly field-oriented degree aimed at providing you with objective knowledge and specific skill in your field. Below is complete detail about the Master’s Degree.

Master’s Degree

A Master’s Degree is an academic program in university and college education that you can join after your Bachelor’s degree, it is mostly two years long. It is considered the higher level of education. Based on the old definition of this degree, it is awarded to the people who have displayed Mastery in a subject of study. For example, a person who does a Master’s in English Literature has Mastered basics and advanced knowledge of English Literature. Master’s Degree holders can apply for teaching jobs at the high school level, and college level and teach a variety of subjects related to their fields.

Apart from a career in teaching, people with a Master’s Degree can also work in different industries related to their fields. For example, a person who has a Master’s Degree in computer engineering can get a job in an IT and IoT company, or a person who has an M.Sc. degree in organic chemistry can work in the relevant chemical industry. So, the purpose of this study program is to prepare a breed of highly skilled people who have obtained Master-level knowledge in their subject of study and have learned all the skills they need to join the workforce. As a Master’s is a higher education degree, people with a Master’s Degree are preferred in almost every field over the people with a Bachelor’s degree.

Continuing your studies beyond the Bachelor’s level rewards you very well, as the people with a Bachelor’s Degree only obtain a general sense or a general knowledge of their field, meanwhile the people with a Master’s Degree get more specific and objective knowledge that can be implemented in the real world. Take the example of a B.B.A. and M.B.A. The first one is a Bachelor’s in business administration and the second one is a Master’s Degree in the same field. But the students who do B.B.A. just learn about the basic knowledge of business and fields in the study of business. Meanwhile, students who do an M.B.A., learn about a specific part of business administration such as Human Resource Management, or Supply Chain Management.

From these above examples, you can take the idea that Bachelors and Masters are two very different degrees, and  Masters have more benefits as you learn objective, to the point, and field-specific knowledge. A Master’s Degree has much more to offer you in comparison to a Bachelor’s degree in the same field. Let’s take a look at different types of Master’s Degrees.

Types Of Master’s Degree

By definition, a Master’s Degree has a lot of different types, because almost every field has its type of Master’s Degree. Below is a list of a few most common types of Master’s Degree.

  • M.A. – Masters in Arts: Master’s in Arts is the most common form of Master’s Degree, it is done in different subjects related to Arts. Universities worldwide award it to the students when they complete a two-year-long course of study which involves Mastering a subject. Masters in English Literature is one common example of a Master’s in Arts. Apart from it, there is a huge list of subjects and fields of study that you can pursue in this degree.

    After completing a Master’s in arts degree, you can further continue your education or become a teacher and teach students at different levels in high school and junior school. Not only that, you can learn different artistic skills through your degree and apply them in your respective field. For example, a person who has studied literature, can start writing, and become a writer, or you can become a critic, and start writing critical reviews. There are virtually unlimited applications for a Masters in Arts degree.
  • M.Sc. – Masters in Science: This is also one of the most commonly known forms of Master’s Degree, it is a two-year-long degree program in which students learn about one specific field of science. For example, if you have studied chemistry in your graduation, you will have to choose between different disciplines in chemistry. You can choose organic chemistry and your degree will be known as M.Sc. Organic Chemistry. As you know, your degree at the Master’s level is subject-oriented and is aimed at giving you superior skills in one specific part of your field. It is not a general science degree, at the Master’s level, you learn about one specific type of science field.

    Applications of your Masters in Science degree are also unlimited, and you can use this to further continue your education. Apart from that, you can also use your acquired skills and use them in your field. For example, a person who has done a Master in Software Engineering can utilize his/her skills in the field of software development. This is just a single example of the implementation of skills that you acquire in your Master’s in Science. People with more knowledge and better-polished skills have helped revolutionize the world through innovation and technological advancements.
  • M.B.A. Masters in Business Administration: Understanding the business processes is important for successfully running them, and the purpose of this degree is specifically to prepare the leaders who can better run an organization. The duration of this program varies as some can be completed in two years, while some programs may need two and a half years to complete. In this, you learn about one specific aspect of business studies. For example, if you are interested in learning the management of resources in an organization, you will only learn about Human resource management and a few relevant subjects.

    After acquiring these crucial business administrative skills, you can teach them to others in colleges, and schools or you can implement them in various organizations. There is always a huge demand for skilled business administration who have completed their Master’s. So, you can utilize your degree to optimize the chances of your employment.
  • M.Phil. – Masters in Philosophy: M.Phil which is also known as the Master’s in Philosophy is also a very common type of Master’s, it takes two and a half years to complete. It is a more research-oriented degree and paves a way for you to pursue your doctorate. In this degree, unlike other forms of Masters where you are taught different subjects, you take your subject and research it. That is why it is known as a research-oriented degree.
  • Field Related Masters: Apart from the types mentioned above, there are several other forms of Master’s Degree as well, these forms are related to one specific field. For example, L.LM. is a Master’s in Law degree. Only lawyers can do that degree as it is linked with their field. These are also known as professional degrees or professional Master’s. You can do this if you are linked to that field, they are more focused on providing you a higher level of expertise and skills. They provide a deeper knowledge into one or more areas of your field. For example, a person who has an L.L.B. would know about the law in general, but a person who would do an L.L.M. would learn about one specific part of law instead of reading about the law in general.

Why is Earning a Master’s is Different from Earning a Bachelor’s Degree?

When you are a student at Bachelors level, you have a different approach towards learning as compared to the time when you reach the level of Masters. At a Bachelor’s level, you do a lot of things that are predetermined not only for you but for your entire class, and the classes before you. But when you are at a Master’s level degree, you do things differently. Everything, from your thinking, to learning, and absorbing what you have learned changes as you age and mature. So, universities and colleges change things too, they have a different approach towards teaching the more mature minds at the Master’s level as compared to the Bachelor’s level. Understanding these differences will help you prepare for what comes next in your journey of a Master’s Degree. Here are a few things that will be different at the Master’s level.

  • Thinking Difference: First thing, as you know that the mindset of a person who is in his teen years in college will be different as compared to the mindset of a person who has matured. So, the first important difference you need to know about is your mindset difference. At a Bachelor’s level, your thinking will be different, you will look at things differently. So, colleges and universities design your course of study in a way that suits the mindset of a young and energetic person. But as you age and become mature and reach a Master’s level, you show a different approach towards the world and also towards your studies. This thinking difference is very important to keep in mind as it impacts your ability to absorb the knowledge and translate it into a useful and memorable form.
  • More Research: Master’s level has much more research as compared to the Bachelor’s level. At a Bachelor’s level, you learn the fundamentals of your relevant subjects and also some advanced knowledge that requires basic research to understand the nature of your students. But at the Master’s level, you have to do more research as you already know the basics and advanced parts of your study. You have a basic curriculum, but this curriculum does not limit you to stick to it.

    You can do your research in the field and you can even challenge the theories that you are being taught in your course of study. But to do so, you will need to do a lot of research. Master’s level degree as you know means completely Mastering a subject. So, to Master that subject, you will have to research all the aspects that are a part of your curriculum and also the ones that are not a part of that. This will induce a habit of deep research inside you. You can utilize this deep researching habit in your work life, and also in your further studies for the next level of education.
  • More Emphasis on Writing: At a Bachelor’s level degree, you have to write but it is more in the form of assignments, and small research articles. But as you reach the Master’s level of education, you will need to learn a different way and style of writing. At this level, you will no longer be writing small assignments for your subject, instead, you will be writing official research papers that will be published in the different journals related to your field. This is a more official and academic form of writing, you will have to learn it and Master it. You will have to use a lot of citations to your work than you have previously done. It is not very difficult to learn it, but still, it is important and different as compared to the bachelor.
  • Requires Capstone: A Capstone is defined as a project presentation, or an educational experiment, or prototype, or a model that you will have to present at different levels. For example, students who are doing research work will have to publish their research work in science generals, or students who are doing some innovation are required to present their models, or their prototypes and showcase their abilities. This is a very important part of the Master’s level studies but not at the Bachelor’s level, although some colleges and universities require their Bachelorette students to also present these. So, if you are planning on doing a Master’s Degree, make sure that you have prepared for this part as well.
  • Different Community Collaboration Required: Among the things that change between Bachelors and Masters, one most important is the change in your community collaboration. As a Bachelor’s student, you only talk to your peers, and other fellow students about your studies, and you have limited exposure to your teachers in terms of open collaborations. But as you reach the Master’s level, this changes drastically, as at this level, you will be talking more openly to your teachers, and your professors instead of your peers and fellow students.

    This is because a Master’s level requires research, and your peers have almost equal knowledge about it as you do. The only people who know better about the subject and research are the ones who are teaching you. For that reason, it is very important to choose the right college or university, where your professors are more willing to help you in your research. Otherwise, you will be in a lot of trouble while doing research.
  • Need of a Support System: As I mentioned earlier, your collaboration will be different from previous degrees. You will need a support system to help you excel and complete your Master’s. You do not need this kind of specialized support system to help you out at a previous level. This is because, at previous levels, your degree had a specific outline to follow. But in Masters, you will be doing a lot of research, and you may need the support of your faculty to help you in certain things in research. Without a support system, completion of your degree will become much more difficult. That is why, every educational expert advises students to get admission to a university, where they have a support system.

Admission Requirements For Master’s Degree

Basic requirements to get admission to different universities and colleges are simple. Here is a detail about these.

  • You must have a good academic record and must have scored more than 60% in your previous exams in your field.
  • You must have a Bachelor’s degree completed, before seeking admission into a Master’s Degree.
  • You must take and pass the entry test, apart from the entry test, your grades should be enough to be on a merit list. Common entry tests include GRE.
  • Some colleges and universities may also require a statement of purpose and a few recommendations.

There can also be specific requirements of the colleges and universities that you may have to fulfill. Take a look at their requirements and prepare documents according to that. 

Master’s Degree Cost

The cost of a Master’s Degree can vary greatly. This all depends on your field of study, your choice of college and university, and other factors. But overall, the average cost for a Master’s program in the United States per year is between $30,000 and $120,000. This all depends on what college you are selecting as some private colleges and universities may charge even more and some public institutions may charge less in comparison to that.

But still, these costs vary greatly. You should check with your college or university and look at their fees and how much they are charging for your program. For U.S nationals, there are options such as educational loans, and scholarships, and fellowships, but for the people who are applying from outside the United States, they should only be eligible for a few such positions and most of the students will be on their own.

Time Required

A Master’s Degree on average requires one year and a half or two years to complete. This duration can differ as some courses may need more time. The overall timing depends on the type of degree that you are doing. For example, in the case of an M.Sc., and M.A., it is two years, but for degrees like M.B.A, and M.Phil, you can complete them within 18 months.

Degrees that need 18 months have 30 credit hours in total. 24 out of these 30 are for academic work, and 6 are for research work. Meanwhile, the degrees that require 2 years to complete mainly have 40 to 45 credit hours. You should check the requirements and timing from your college as these may vary depending on the type of degree that you are doing and also the institute that you have chosen for your degree.

When to Seek a Master’s Degree?

You should seek a Master’s Degree once you have done some work in your relevant field. Going for a Master’s directly after your Bachelor’s is not a very good idea as you need some time to prepare yourself for the next big step. You should join any industry related to your field, or a business, or try to be a part of any research group related to your field before going for a Master’s. Work before the degree will help you a lot during your research, and academic work in your Master’s. A gap of two to five years is considered ideal. There is no limit to the gap time that you want. So, you can take as long as you want, but doing it too late can also impact your chances of success. That is why you should make sure that you will not do it too late.

What Determines the Quality of the Master’s Degree and College/University?

Before you take admission to any university or college or a Master’s Degree program, it is very important to know what determines the quality of your program or your institute. This is important to know because this will help you make a better choice in terms of selecting your field, and also selecting your college or university. Because selecting a bad institution or wrong degree can impact your career. Here are some factors that can help you determine the quality of your program and also your institute.

  • Curriculum Design: Curriculum design is the most important thing to determine the worth of your degree and your institute. If your college has the best curriculum design, it would mean that it has a better quality to offer. But if the quality of the curriculum is not up to international standards, you should know that this course of study, and this college is not worth spending your time and money on. You should look for different study programs at different colleges and universities.
  • Advisory Boards: Advisory boards are also a very important thing to consider. If a college or university has a good advisory board that offers help to the students and provides the means to complete their education, it means that college is better. Because it is providing its students the support, feedback, and guidance that they need. But if your college does not have this kind of system, you should recheck your options and opt-out of this.
  • Internal Program Review: An internal program review is a very important thing to consider. Internal program review or IPR is something that tells your college about the strengths and weaknesses in their program. This type of review helps colleges refine their educational programs to become exceptionally good. Think of it as a self-review of college programs by the college itself. If your college has this kind of program, that means your college is trying to be better. You should take admission in this type of college, but avoid the ones where you are not provided with an internal program review.
  • Accreditation: Accreditation is very important as it tells the world if you are credible or not. Universities and colleges from across the world need accreditation from various national and international bodies and authorities. The United States has a department of education that governs all of this. They make sure that your college or university has the means to provide you with a high-quality education. So, you should always ask your colleges and universities to see if your degree is accredited or not. If it is not, you should not join their classes and waste your time.
  • Program Reputation: Program reputation matters greatly at the Master’s level. This is because a Master’s is a very refined degree in which you learn advanced knowledge of your subject. So, if the overall reputation of your college or your program is not good, your degree will not be considered good either. There are a lot of online and offline colleges that are offering degree programs, but their degrees and programs do not have proper accreditation and also they do not have a good reputation. You should always seek to get admission to a very highly reputed institute.

Importance In your Career and Benefits

A Master’s Degree can play a pivotal role in changing your career. It will be lifting you from the common workforce to a level of Master. Think of it as a tool to upgrade your career and add something worthy to your CV and professional portfolio. Your Master’s Degree can change the course of your career. It can also help you get promoted quickly.

For example, if you work in a company as a junior manager in the IT department, and there is an open vacancy for a senior manager, and you have a Master’s Degree, you will be considered for promotion because others do not have the same level of qualification as you do. It can further boost your career. It can also provide you job security and get you higher pay. The benefits of this are not just limited to your job or your career, it improves your personal life and health as well.

Are Online Master’s Degrees Worth It?

In the past few years, a lot of colleges and universities have started offering multiple online Master’s Degree programs and a lot of students wonder if these programs are worth it or not? The answer to this question is simple, based on the reviews of business journals, online degrees have equal worth as offline degrees in some fields. But in some fields, where students need to physically attend college, such as fieldwork requiring degrees, and others, you cannot compare them with offline degrees.

If an online degree is available in your area of study, make sure that you are joining the right type of online school or college. Check your online college as you would have checked your offline college, check its pros and cons and decide if you want to do it or not. The final decision is yours, but online colleges can help you save a lot of money, and at the same time, offline colleges offer a complete educational environment that online educational schools cannot provide.

Summary and Conclusion

A Master’s Degree is the next step in the education that you can take after a Bachelors. It is a professional-level degree that is focused on part of your field. Doing a Master’s is different from doing a bachelor’s for a lot of reasons, and research is one of them. You will have to do a lot of research during your Masters. The word Master comes from the Latin word that means Mastery or Mastering something. So, at the Master’s level, you will have to learn all about your subject and completely Master it. It usually requires 40 credit hours but some degrees may require only 30 credit hours as they have a short duration of 18 months instead of two years.

Before taking admission into any college or university, you should properly check it and see if it offers high-quality education and degree or not. There are now some online Master’s Degree programs that you can join but you should make sure that you are selecting the right online college. There are some metrics to check the quality of your degree and your program. You should apply these matrices to your specific college degree in Masters and see if it offers high-quality education or not. Your Master’s Degree is pivotal for your career as it allows you to excel in your field. It has several other benefits related to the job, life, career, research, and further education as well.

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