What is an Associate’s Degree?

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What is an Associate’s Degree? It is a study program that students take at the undergraduate level, (starts after secondary school), and has a duration of two years. An associate’s degree is aimed at providing technical knowledge and skills to the students so that they can use this knowledge and technical expertise to get a job or set up their business in the respective field. The Associate’s Degree is common in the United States and many other countries. Some states in the US allow the students who have completed their associate’s degree to continue their studies and get an undergraduate degree.

There are a lot of colleges and institutes that offer this type of degree, these include community colleges, junior and technical colleges, university-affiliated colleges, and institutes in the technical fields. They all offer different degrees in multiple disciplines. For example, you can do an Associates’ degree in Science, or Arts, Nursing, etc. Some of these disciplines require a good percentage in your previous exams. If you compare their entrance requirements with the bachelor’s degree, you will find that these requirements are nothing. So, the associate’s degree is an alternative for the people who could not go to colleges because of lower percentages.

You can join a technical college if you are looking forward to learning any technical skills. During your course of study, you will learn about that particular subject and will also get hands-on experience in that skill as well. This is not just if you want to learn a technical skill, it is also a gateway for you to further continue your education. If you perform well in your associate’s degree, you can continue your education and acquire an undergraduate degree as well.

What’s the difference between a Bachelor’s degree and an Associate’s degree?

Now that you have learned about the basics of an Associate’s degree, it is time to learn the difference between an associate’s degree and a bachelor’s degree.

●     Associate’s Degree:

An associate’s degree is an academic program at the undergraduate level of education, in which you learn and acquire transferable skills in multiple fields, including arts, science, nursing, accounting, and many more. An associate’s degree requires only 60 credit hours and can be completed within two years. You can do this degree at any community college, technical college, junior college, affiliated colleges, and institutes of universities.

This degree provides you the skills that you need to excel in your field. An Associate’s degree makes it easy for you to get a job instantly. Most of the time these jobs are not of a very high level, and you will be recruited as a technical member in the staff of any company. But, you can progress as you can continue training and get an undergraduate degree. This helps you in many folds and can help you start a successful career even if you had a lower percentage previously.

●     Bachelor’s Degree:

A Bachelor’s Degree is also a study program that you can undertake after your secondary school completes. But this is a four-year-long undergraduate degree that requires 120 credit hours. You will need to take admission into a university, or a college that offers undergraduate degrees in your relevant field. This type of degree requires full time and attention and provides you more with theoretical, and research-based knowledge instead of providing you the skills.

This degree can help you obtain management positions in companies after you get a job, but these types of jobs are scarce and have a huge competition. But after your job, you will be making a lot more money in comparison to someone who has an Associate’s degree. People who have an Associate’s degree, can further continue their education and get a bachelor’s degree as well. The cost of a Bachelor’s Degree is much more in comparison to the Associate’s degree.

Difference Table

Time to complete2 years, 60 credit hours4 years, 120, 130 credit hours
Entry requirementsEasy, low percentage, mostly no tests required.SATs required Higher percentages, and GPA.
CostsLess Than $50,000 Between $110,000 to $200,000
Further Education Level Can get a bachelors degree, Undergraduate level.Master, Post Graduate Level

Common Types of Associate’s Degree:

You have learned about the difference between an Associate’s degree and a bachelor’s degree, now it is time for you to know your options for an Associate’s degree. Most people think that there are two or only three options in the Associate’s degree, Arts, Science, Applied Arts, and Applied Science, but this is not the complete list. You can do an Associate’s degree in almost any field of your choice. Here is a list of some of these options that you have in an Associate’s Degree.

1.   AA – Associate of Arts:

As you can guess by the name, it is an Associate’s degree in arts programs. It is a two years long education program in general liberal arts, but you can also go for a specific topic in the art field such as digital photography, social works, psychology, and other subjects. These subjects will be a combination of theory and practical work. For example, if you choose digital photography, you will learn about the theory of photography, and related subjects and you will also learn to implement that knowledge about digital photography. So, once your degree is complete, you will be ready to become a digital photographer. The purpose of this type of degree is to teach the students valuable skills in the arts field.

2.   AS – Associate of Science:

It is an Associate’s degree in Science that students can do from their community colleges and technical colleges that provide this degree in their relevant subjects. In this degree, you will learn about the practical implementation of scientific knowledge in different ways. For example, you can learn about being a laboratory technician. Where you will be analyzing, identifying, samples, and much more. This type of degree is meant for those people who want to work in the field of science. Its purpose is to prepare a workforce that understands different aspects of science and can work inside a scientific environment.

3.   AAA – Associate of Applied Arts:

The AAA or Associates of Applied Arts is a study program related to applied arts. You can get an associate of applied arts degree in many fields of arts. It is also a two-year-long program during which you will learn about the artistic skill related to your field and you will get hands-on experience in implementing that knowledge as well. The purpose of this degree is to prepare you to instantly enter the current workforce in different industries. You can get different prospects related to this from your community colleges, they will tell you about the types of subjects that you can select in this program.

4.   AAS – Associate of Applied Science:

This is also a two-year-long educational program to prepare the workforce to work in a scientific environment. Students will be able to immediately enter the workforce as soon as they complete their degrees. This is because they just don’t learn the theory of these subjects, but they also perform the actual work as well. Students learn about scientific concepts related to their field, and they learn about how they can utilize these concepts in practical work. Students who complete this degree can be considered for different roles. For example, a person who has a degree in civil engineering will be working under the supervision of an engineer.

Apart from these four most common types, there is a huge list of different associate’s degrees that you can get. You can see the complete list through this link here. But, you will have to check if your community college is offering a degree in your specific field or not. Requirements for admission in most of these are not very hard. All you need is to have a good GPA, and you will be accepted into the college for studies.

Time Required For Associate’s Degree:

The total duration of an associate’s degree is two years. That means, you only need two years to complete your associate’s degree. Within these two years, you will learn about the theory of your elective subjects. The total credit hours required to complete your degree is about 60 in most subjects. In some subjects of your choice such as nursing, and law, this might be a little different but for most this is the standard credit hours needed. After learning the theory, you will learn about the practical implementation of that theoretical knowledge in different industrial processes related to your field.

So, you will not only get theoretical knowledge but also practical experience while you are studying. This practical knowledge will be very helpful for you when you enter the job market. People without proper knowledge or no Associate’s degree would have a very little chance in comparison to you not only having the knowledge but also experience as well. You will have to face very little competition as most of the time the technical workforce remains in shortage all over the United States.

Cost Required For Associate’s Degree:

Associate’s degrees cost a lot less in comparison to bachelor’s degrees. The average cost for an Associate’s degree is about 10000$ to 20000 $ in a community college, meanwhile, in private colleges, the cost may increase significantly. Private colleges in the United States can charge between 25000 to 30000$. Overall cost during this two-year-long degree program can cost you up to 50000$ at max, but the average cost remains very low at 25000$. This includes your tuition and transport fees. If you are boarding, then your cost may further increase.

This is a very small investment into your future that can pay you very well. If you compare this to the expenses of a bachelor’s degree, where students spend 4 years, and more than 200000$. When they graduate, they have to face a very competitive market. But you will not have to worry about that as most of the associate’s degree holders get jobs as soon as they enter the job market. So, you will be getting a huge turnover on very little investment into your future.

Entry Requirements For Associate’s Degree:

Requirements to get admission in an associate’s degree are much less in comparison to the bachelor’s degree. For some Associate’s degrees, there is no test required and you can join the program after you complete high school. There is also no limitation for the GPA in most courses as well. To get admission in an associate’s degree program, all you need is to have a good GPA in your previous exams.

People with more than 50% to 60% can also apply to different programs and have a higher likelihood of being selected for the Associate’s degree. As you know that there are low requirements for the Associate’s degree, anyone who has passed high school can enroll him/herself. Some of these degrees may have a mandatory test, such as law, and nursing as these are also very competitive fields in the associate’s degree. You should select the fields according to your interests.

Career After an Associate’s Degree:

Once you have completed your associate’s degree, you will be ready to enter the job market. There are always a lot of positions open for interns who have Associate’s degrees. These internship programs can sometimes turn into permanent employment contracts as well. Based on the available data, people with an Associate’s degree have a better chance at a great career and future as they are more likely to get the job very soon after they get their degrees. Also, there is less competition at associate jobs, which gives you an advantage over other candidates who most likely do not have a degree.

Changing From Associate’s degree To Bachelor’s Degree:

If you want to change from your associate’s degree to a bachelor’s, you can do that as well. Apart from the instant entrance into the job market, students who have passed their Associate’s degree exams can also continue their further education. They will be awarded a bachelor’s degree after they complete their next two years of education. But, there are some limitations to this rule. For example, if you do not complete 60 hours in your associate’s degree program, you will not be allowed to continue your education at the bachelor’s degree level.

Benefits of an Associate Degree:

Here are some of the key benefits of doing an Associate’s degree.

●     Affordable:

The Associate’s degree is an affordable solution as compared to any other type of degree. Bachelor’s degree and other degrees cost a huge amount of money during your four years of study. But the Associate’s degree requires only a portion of all those expenses in two years. So, you will only be spending on your tuition fees, just a couple of thousand dollars and you will be learning life-changing professional skills that will help you get a job and start your business. So, based on the statistics, this is one of the most profitable investments that students can make in their education. It will reward you in huge numbers throughout your life.

An Associate’s degree is not only affordable but also cost-effective. Because most of the associate’s degree programs you can do from your community college. You will not have to go anywhere outside your city, or your locality. You will not have to pay for transportation, lodging, meals, and other expenses. This will help you save a lot of money while you are studying.

●     Quick Entry in the Job Market:

As you have already learned in the above paragraphs, an associate’s degree prepares the students to enter the workforce in industries, and businesses all over the world. This degree will also help you get a job quickly as you will only need two years to study and after that, you will be ready to enter the job market. An early entry into the job market also means that you will quickly get a job as soon as you complete your degree. There is a huge demand for the workforce in almost all of the industries all over the US.

So, as soon as you graduate, you will get a job in your relevant field. This is not just something, I am saying, it is a fact that has been proven by the research in multiple cases. People who have no degree, and people with associate’s degrees were the subjects of this study. Results of this study concluded that people with an associate’s degree got a job 5 times faster than a person without an Associate’s degree. Your associate’s degree will be increasing your job marketability. This will help you quickly get a job.

●     Less Competition:

The purpose of an associate degree is to prepare the workforce and we know that there is always a shortage of workforce that has proper knowledge and experience. This means, when you enter the job market, you will not have to cope with much of a competition as you have skills and knowledge. In management-level jobs, hundreds of people apply for one position, meanwhile, in workforce-related jobs, fewer people apply and there is a huge number of vacant places all the time. So, with a proper degree, you will not have to face much competition and that is why you will get a job quickly as compared to the people who do not have an Associate’s degree. So, having an Associate’s degree would increase the chances of your employability.

●     Low Entry Requirement:

To get admission in a bachelor’s degree is extremely difficult as you have to pass certain tests, and need a perfect score in your previous exams. But to enter an associate’s college for an Associate’s degree, there are almost no requirements as compared to the bachelors. You just need a high school pass certificate, and you are good to go in most of the courses. Some competitive courses, such as nursing may require a higher percentage, but still, it would be much lower as compared to a bachelor’s degree.

An Associate’s degree can also be an alternative for the people who could not get admission in a bachelor’s degree due to higher merits. They can also get admission in the Associate’s degree and can continue their education after the Associate’s degree to get a bachelor’s degree through transfer.

●     Short Time To Complete:

An Associate’s degree only needs 2 years to complete. During these two years, your subjects of study will have 60 credit hours. This short time of study helps you quickly complete your studies and enter the professional world. If you cannot spend four years in college but still want to continue your education, an Associate’s degree is a great alternative for you as it needs a short time to complete. It prepares you for the future by providing you the skills you will need in your field.

●     Better Salaries, Quick Promotions:

A person who has an Associate’s degree would be paid much more in comparison to someone who does not have a degree. Not only this but you will always be considered first for any promotions. For example, if you joined a company as a junior supervisor in a plant, and you have a competitor who does not have a degree. At the time of promotion, your degree would provide you an edge that would help you be promoted before your competitor with no degree. Better salaries also bring in better bonuses, and other perks related to the job.

●     Job Security:

People with an associate degree have a better sense of job security in comparison to people with no degree. This is because people with a degree are considered a better asset for the company. So, whenever a company needs to lay off people, it would start with the people who do not have the necessary degrees. Because finding and recruiting people with no degrees is easier, but finding and recruiting people with degrees is very difficult. Also, people with degrees mostly work in crucial positions such as supervisors and technical areas. That is why they are very hard to replace. This provides better job security for people with an associate’s degree.

●     Further Education:

People with an Associate’s degree have a chance to continue their education and get transferred into a bachelor’s program as well. The associate’s program has 60 credit hours while the bachelor’s program requires 120 credit hours. So, people with an associate’s degree are paired with the semester that has completed 60 credit hours and they learn with them for the next two years and graduate as bachelor’s degree holders. So, if you are someone whose aim is to achieve higher education, you can do this by this method.

Conclusion and Summary:

An Associate’s degree is a two years study program in which students learn about different subjects of their choice. This is also an undergraduate-level degree that you can obtain after completing secondary school. An Associate’s degree is more work-oriented, and in this type of degree, you learn about the practical skills that can be transferred such as knowledge of nursing, teaching, and other subjects. There is a huge list of subjects in which you can do an associate’s degree. But you will have to check with your local college if they are offering an Associate’s degree in that field or not.

An Associate’s degree is a better choice for a lot of people especially those who could not get admission in bachelors degree. There are low requirements for getting admission in most of the associate’s degree programs. They also do not require a high score in high school or SATs. You can get admission based on your high school results. During your course of study of two years, you learn about practical skills more and less about theoretical knowledge. The purpose of this type of degree is to prepare a workforce to fulfill the need for skilled workers in every industry.

There are a lot of benefits of the associate’s degree, such as people with an Associate’s degree have a better chance at getting a job as compared to people with no degree. Not only that, having a degree provides you a better sense of job security. You can excel in your field very quickly as you have already learned the necessary skills during your course of study. Apart from this, people with an Associate’s degree have a better chance at a successful career as compared to non-degree holders. This means, if you have an Associate’s degree, you are more likely to have a successful career and a healthy lifestyle.

Not only that, but you can also start your own business after obtaining your associate’s degree as you also learn about different businesses that you can start after your degree. Banks offer better loan schemes for the people with proper degrees in comparison to the people with no degree. This increases your chances of not only getting a loan but starting a successful business.

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