What You Can Do with a Chemistry Degree? Career Paths, Salaries, and Benefits

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Chemistry is a science major for those who are interested in learning about the composition of materials to the atomic level. By definition “Chemistry is the science of properties, composition, the structure of a compound, chemical reactions, and study substances at the atomic and subatomic level. This helps us understand what is happening around us with accuracy. Chemistry is one of the major branches of science and it is used everywhere around us every day. Many industrial processes are a combination of chemistry knowledge and research.

Chemistry has played a very crucial role in the modernization of the world and has helped create many products that we use every day. For example, the shampoos, and soaps that we use first thing in the morning to wash, are made using the knowledge of chemistry. Also, our toothbrushes, which are mostly made up of plastics, were created because of chemistry. That is why studying chemistry and working as a chemist is a dream for a lot of people. So, if you are also someone who wants to study chemistry but is not sure about the prospects, below is a list of the most rewarding careers in chemistry.

  • Chemical Engineer
  • Chemical Technician
  • Toxicologist
  • Chemistry Teacher
  • Water Chemist
  • Analytical Chemist
  • Synthetic Chemist
  • Quality Control Chemist
  • Organic Chemist
  • Pharmacologist
  • Natural Sciences Managers
  • Material Engineers
  • Oceanographer
  • Hazardous Waste Chemist
  • Forensic Scientist

Top 15 Career Choices After a Chemistry Degree:

You have read the names of some career choices that you will have after completing a degree in chemistry. Below are the details about the top fifteen career choices with data that will clear any doubts that you might have about studying chemistry and getting a job afterward.

1. Chemical Engineer:

After completing your degree in chemistry, you can become a chemical engineer. There are many industries where chemical engineers are required. Most companies hire professionals who have certain chemical engineering degrees, but they also hire professionals who have specific knowledge of chemical engineering processes and have completed a chemistry degree. Chemical engineers work in the fields of petrochemical engineering, chemical products manufacturing, scientific research, and development. Some of these jobs are government but most of them are offered by private companies.

All the chemical engineering jobs are high-paying and very rewarding. They will give you a chance to earn a six-figure salary within the first year of your career. Most of these jobs require a lot of knowledge about chemical processes, or chemical engineering, or the use of chemistry in manufacturing. If you have some experience, you can expect better salaries and more chances of employment. Fresh candidates also have a great chance of getting a job in this field. According to the data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, chemical engineers have a median income of $108,540, while the top ten percent earners can make more than $168,960 and the lowest ten percent earners make up to $68,430. The total number of jobs of chemical engineers is about 26,300, and the growth rate is 9% for the next decade.

2. Chemical Technician:

You can also become a chemical technician after completing your degree in chemistry. This is a job that requires deep knowledge of analytical chemistry and chemical technology. Chemical technicians are responsible for working the chemical labs where they perform multiple duties. For example, they conduct tests, set up chemical labs, analyze different materials to know about them, they also work on sample formulations and test different materials in controlled environments. This is mostly a laboratory job that you can get in different universities, colleges, chemical companies, chemical laboratories, and government agencies such as law enforcement agencies. This is also a high-paying job that provides multiple career opportunities. Most people start this job to get some experience in the lab environment.

You will perform multiple duties related to chemistry and chemical reaction monitoring that will enhance your knowledge and experience about how chemicals react in different conditions. You can utilize this knowledge to get other jobs or write books about chemistry or write research papers. According to the data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, chemical technicians have a median income of $49,820, while the top ten percent earners can make more than $81,260 and the lowest ten percent earners make up to $31,720. The total number of jobs of chemical technicians is about 65,100, and the growth rate is 5% for the next ten years, which is low as compared to the other jobs.

3. Toxicologist:

After a degree in chemistry, you can also become a toxicologist. The job of a toxicologist is to work on toxins to identify them and find out their cures. Toxicologists work in labs and in outdoor areas where their services are required. They work on identifying different materials as if they are toxic or not. Government agencies and private companies employ them to work on their projects. For example, if a company is creating a new chemical product, they would need to pass certain tests to determine that their products are not toxic. They will employ toxicologists to determine if the product contains harmful elements or not. Similarly, government agencies hire toxicologists to identify toxic and non-toxic materials.

This job requires having a lot of knowledge of chemistry, especially how different chemicals interact with living organisms. Most toxicologists focus on the study of biochemistry and biotechnology as these two are considered helpful in determining the toxicology of a substance. According to the data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, toxicologists have a median income of $91,510, while the top ten percent earners can make more than $164,650 and the lowest ten percent earners make up to $50,240. The total number of jobs of toxicologists is about 133,900, and the growth rate is 17% for the next decade which is faster than most of the other professions.

4. Chemistry Teacher:

You can also become a chemistry teacher after completing your studies. There are teaching opportunities at different levels starting from middle school to high school, and colleges and universities. Each level requires having a different type of degree. For example, to teach in high schools and middle schools, you will need only a bachelor’s or master’s degree. But to teach in higher secondary schools, colleges and universities, you will need degrees of master’s to Ph.D. As the requirements for each job position of a chemistry teacher are different, so are the salaries.

Middle school teachers and high school teachers have less salaries as compared to college and universities teachers and professors. According to the data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, chemistry teachers have a median income of $88,770, while the top ten percent earners can make more than $142,560 and the lowest ten percent earners make up to $47,840. The total number of jobs of chemistry teachers is about 21,530, and the growth rate is 10% for the next ten years. This data is about college-level chemistry teachers. To see the data of secondary school teachers, visit www.bls.gov website.

5. Water Chemist:

This is a vast field that includes scientists who work on groundwater, surface water, wastewater treatment plants, water quality measuring plants, and water boards of different government and private agencies. They study different water types and determine if they are drinkable or not. Apart from that, they make sure that wastewater is being properly treated before being drained. This profession is closely related to many NGOs who work making sure that water across the US is pure and has no impurities in it. These chemists test the water for different substances.

There are multiple job positions at different levels in this field, starting from research positions in universities, colleges, industries, and chemical labs, to privately owned businesses that want to know about the quality of water. According to the data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, water chemists have a median income of $80,680, while the top ten percent earners can make more than $139,650 and the lowest ten percent earners make up to $44,970. The total number of jobs of water chemists is about 92,400, and the growth rate is 6% for the next decade which is slow as compared to other jobs in this profession.

6. Analytical Chemist:

You can also become an analytical chemist after completing your degree in chemistry. This job requires further studying of chemistry and you must have some knowledge of analytical chemistry and chemical reactions and processes involved in it. Having a master’s degree or a Doctorate can increase your employability. The job of an analytical chemist is to analyze chemical substances. This job is mostly a lab job, but you might also have to do some fieldwork as well. This field provides you with a lot of knowledge about how different chemicals react and how you can analyze a substance. There are multiple research positions that you can get.

Apart from universities, colleges, laboratories, and research centers, analytical chemists are also hired by many industries and businesses that deal with chemical substances. Having some experience in this field can increase your chances of employment. According to the data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, analytical chemists have a median income of $80,680, while the top ten percent earners can make more than $139,650 and the lowest ten percent earners make up to $44,000. The total number of jobs of analytical chemists is about 92,400, and the growth rate is 6% for the next decade which is slow.

7. Synthetic Chemist:

After completing your education in chemistry, you can also become a synthetic chemist. The job of a synthetic chemist is to create multiple synthetic products. Synthetic products are used in everything. From your food items to clothes that you are wearing, and the mobile phones that you carry. Each of these products contains multiple synthetic materials. The job of synthetic chemists is to work in industries that produce these synthetic materials. There are also research-level positions in this field. This job requires having a strong knowledge of chemistry, industrial processes, and product building.

Having advanced degrees in chemistry can increase your employability. Apart from that, having some experience can get you better salaries and more benefits. According to the data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, synthetic chemists have a median income of $79,300, while the top ten percent earners can make more than $139,650 and the lowest ten percent earners make up to $44,970. The total number of jobs of synthetic chemists is about 82,940, and the growth rate is 5% for the next decade.

8. Quality Control Chemist:

You can also get the job of a quality control chemist or a quality control officer after completing your education in chemistry. The job of a quality control chemist is to create measures for controlling the quality of the products. Apart from jobs in industries where the services of quality control chemists are required, they are also hired by government agencies. The purpose of their job is to test substances, chemicals, products, or anything that is given to them and check if these things are according to the measures of quality control or not. Having advanced degrees in chemistry can help you increase the chances of your employment because advanced knowledge of chemistry is required for this job.

To get a job in different industries, having a bachelor’s degree is enough, but if you have a master’s degree or doctorate. Having some experience can also increase your employability. According to the data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, quality control chemists have a median income of $40,460, while the top ten percent earners can make more than $68,220 and the lowest ten percent earners make up to $26,240. The total number of jobs of quality control chemists is about 557,900, and the growth rate is -12% for the next decade. That means the total number of jobs in this profession is decreasing.

9. Organic Chemist:

You can also get the job of organic chemist after completing your education in organic chemistry. Organic chemistry is a major branch of chemistry that deals with organic compounds and how they react. Organic chemists only study the reactions of carbon compounds. Carbon items are known as the source of all life on earth as everything here is made up of carbon items. Organic chemists work in different fields and industries. For example, government food authorities hire organic chemists as food inspectors, and Law enforcement agencies hire them for forensics-related work.

Organic chemistry is a sub-branch of chemistry that means you will have to do a master’s degree to get into this profession. Having a doctorate can open doors to many jobs that require research experience. According to the data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, organic chemists have a median income of $79,300, while the top ten percent earners can make more than $139,650 and the lowest ten percent earners make up to $44,970. The total number of jobs of organic chemists is about 82,940, and the growth rate is 6% for the next decade.

10. Pharmacologist:

Pharmacology is also a major branch of chemistry that deals with the substances that are used in the medicine-making process. The job of a pharmacologist is to know about the chemical reactions that would occur in the body of a human and how a drug would react with those chemicals that are already present in the body. This is a crucial part of the development of medicine as it ensures that no harmful medicines are being produced or the medicine produced would only do the good and cause no harm. Some job positions require pharmacists who study biology and biochemistry but many job positions require pharmacology.

Having advanced knowledge is very important for this job. That’s why most companies hire professionals who have a lot of experience or who have advanced degrees or background in research. According to the data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, pharmacologists have a median income of $128,710, while the top ten percent earners can make more than $164,980 and the lowest ten percent earners make up to $85,210. The total number of jobs of pharmacologists is about 322,200, and the growth rate is -2% for the next decade. The decline in this profession is because there are fewer jobs available for this position.

11. Biochemist:

You can also get the job of biochemist after completing your education in biochemistry. Biochemistry is a sub-discipline of chemistry that you learn at the master’s level. There are also some professional degrees in this field that you can do in college as a Bachelor’s. The job of a biochemist is to work on making better healthcare products and medicines. The biochemists work in laboratories that do multiple healthcare testing. You can get a job in a hospital or a private laboratory or a pharma company. You will be responsible for making sure that the products are good for the health of the individuals that will use them.

Laboratory work and hospital work can require doing sample testing and analytical testing of the materials to determine abnormalities. Having some experience in this field, or a master’s or Doctorate can increase your chances of employment. According to the data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, biochemists have a median income of $94,270, while the top ten percent earners can make more than $169,860 and the lowest ten percent earners make up to $52,640. The total number of jobs for biochemists is about 34,800, and the growth rate is 5% for the next decade.

12. Material Engineers:

You can also get the job of a material engineer after completing your education in chemistry. This is a job that requires deeper knowledge of industrial processes to manufacture materials that can be used by the public. Material engineers are responsible for creating many products that we use daily. For example, carbon fiber is a chemical product that is used in making mobile phones, cars, and other products. Also, paints, silicon chips, fiber optic cables, and many other synthetic materials are engineered by these material engineers.

Their job is to do research and create materials that can be sold to the public or industries or the government. Material engineering is a sub-field in chemistry, you can take it as a major in your master’s or doctorate. According to the data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, material engineers have a median income of $95,640. The total number of jobs of material engineers is about 25,100, and the growth rate is 8% for the next decade which is slow as compared to some other jobs in this field.

13. Oceanographer:

You can also become an oceanographer after completing your education in chemistry. The job of an oceanographer is to help understand our oceans. They use the knowledge of biology, chemistry, physics, atmospheric studies, and other disciplines that impact life in oceans. The main purpose of their studies is to do research and publish their results to show the world what is happening in our oceans. It is mostly a research-related position where you must work with other scientists from different fields.

This job may require some experience in analytical chemistry or knowing marine biology and marine ecosystems. According to the data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, oceanographers have a median income of $93,580, while the top ten percent earners can make more than $201,150 and the lowest ten percent earners make up to $51,890. The total number of jobs of oceanographers is about 29,000, and the job growth rate is 7% for the next decade which is moderate as compared to most other jobs.

14. Hazardous Waste Chemist:

This job is related to the treatment of waste materials. In chemistry, you must study different substances, and the waste produced due to certain chemical reactions. So, this knowledge of materials and waste products is what makes the chemists a suitable choice for this job position. Companies employ hazardous water managers and most of these job positions are filled by highly trained chemists.

This job may require some on-the-job training. Having a degree in waste management apart from chemistry can increase your employability and can get you a better salary and other benefits. According to the data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, hazardous waste chemists have a median income of $45,270, while the top ten percent earners can make more than $76,570 and the lowest ten percent earners make up to $30,590. The total number of hazardous waste chemists’ jobs is about 44,500, and the growth rate is 7% for the next decade.

15. Forensic Scientist:

You can also become a forensics expert after completing your degree in chemistry. This job requires testing and identifying the substances. Forensics experts work with industries and law enforcement agencies and provide their services in different situations. You can start this job soon after your degree but having some previous experience can increase your chances of employment. There are specialized degrees to get into this profession, but you can get this job even with a chemistry degree.

You might need to attend some on-the-job training sessions to get started with your job. According to the data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the forensics experts have a median income of $60,590, while the top ten percent earners can make more than $168,960 and the lowest ten percent earners make up to $68,430. The total number of jobs of forensics experts is about 17,200, and the growth rate is 16% for the next decade. That is one of the fastest growth rates in chemistry.

Benefits and Salaries for Chemistry Related Jobs:

Job TitleNo. of JobRequired QualificationJob OutlookSalary
Chemical Engineer26,300Bachelor’s – Master’s – Doctorate9%$108,540
Chemical Technician65,100Bachelor’s – Master’s – Doctorate5%$49,820
Toxicologist133,900Bachelor’s – Master’s – Doctorate17%$91,510
Chemistry Teacher21,530Bachelor’s – Master’s – Doctorate10%$88,770
Water Chemist92,400Bachelor’s – Master’s – Doctorate6% $80,680
Analytical Chemist92,400Bachelor’s – Master’s – Doctorate6%$80,680
Synthetic Chemist82,940Bachelor’s – Master’s – Doctorate5%$79,300
Quality Control Chemist557,900Bachelor’s – Master’s – Doctorate12%$40,460
Organic Chemist82,940Bachelor’s – Master’s – Doctorate8%$79,300
Pharmacologist322,200Bachelor’s – Master’s – Doctorate-2%$128,710
Natural Sciences Managers 34,800Bachelor’s – Master’s – Doctorate5%$94,270
Material Engineers25,100Bachelor’s – Master’s – Doctorate8%$95,640
Oceanographer29,000Bachelor’s – Master’s – Doctorate7%$93,580
Hazardous Waste Chemist44,500Bachelor’s – Master’s – Doctorate7% $45,270
Forensics Scientist17,200Bachelor’s – Master’s – Doctorate16%$60,590

Note:(Bachelors for the job and master’s for further promotion) data source bls.gov

Types of Chemistry Degrees:

Here are some of the common Chemistry degrees that you can get.

1.   Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry:

This is one of the most common degrees in chemistry. Most people start their careers after this degree. Bachelor’s in Chemistry is a four-year college or university program that requires studying multiple branches of chemistry. You may also have to study some other subjects related to chemistry as well. All these subjects provide you with enough knowledge and skills that you can utilize to get a decent job. This degree requires the completion of 120 credit hours. It can cost between $80,000 to $160,000 depending on where you are studying. This degree gives you a general overview and in-depth knowledge of different chemistry fields. So that you can select one branch of chemistry for further studies or to get a job in that field

2.   Master’s Degree in Chemistry:

A Master’s in Chemistry is the second degree with a chemistry major that students who wish to pursue higher education get. Master’s in chemistry is a two-year university education program. It requires the competition of 30 to 40 credit hours. This degree can cost up to $60,000 in total. This is an advanced degree in chemistry that provides you with research-related knowledge of chemistry. In a master’s degree, you mainly focus on one branch of chemistry. That is why it is also known as a field-specific degree.

3.   Doctorate/Ph.D. in Chemistry:

A doctorate or Ph.D. in chemistry is the highest level of education in chemistry. This is a research degree that requires studying and analyzing the work of other scientists to create new assumptions and produce new theories. This degree provides the most recent and advanced knowledge of the chemistry field to the student. After this degree, you will become eligible for many job positions that require a doctorate. These positions are mostly related to the research in chemistry. It can cost between $100,000 to $250,000 in total.

Skills You Will Learn from Chemistry Degree:

  • Analysis of chemicals
  • Analysis of problems and critical thinking
  • Business skills such as effective communication
  • Skills related to research and research paper writing
  • Obtaining data, monitoring processes, and chemical manufacturing.
  • Industrial skills, IT, and technology-related skills.


Chemistry is one of those majors that offer some of the highest-paying career choices. There are a lot of jobs related to research in different areas of chemistry. Chemistry is also used in many industrial processes, and all of these create more jobs for people with chemistry degrees. There are a lot of job opportunities in both the private sector and government sector. Many government agencies hire researchers to work on their programs, while many privately owned businesses also hire chemists to work on their products. The article above contains some examples of jobs that you can get after a degree in chemistry. All of these are high-paying jobs, and some jobs even provide six-figure salaries. This data is enough to clear your doubts related to taking chemistry as a major for your college.


Question: Is chemistry a difficult major?

Answer: Yes, as compared to other science majors, chemistry is known to be the most difficult major. But if you give it some time and study properly, you can easily master it. It becomes easy once you get a grip on the basics of chemistry.

Question: What kind of jobs can I get after taking chemistry as a college major?

Answer: There are a lot of jobs that you can get after taking chemistry as a college major. Here are some of the jobs that you can get: chemical engineer jobs, forensics expert, material engineer, synthetic chemist, quality assurance and quality checking chemist, water chemist, and pharmacologist.

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