What You Can Do with a Physics Degree? Career Paths, Salaries, and Benefits

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Physics is a branch of science that deals with many important aspects such as nature, properties of matter, and energy. Physics has played a major role in revolutionizing the world in the past and is playing this role now as well. People who study physics have strong knowledge of matter, energy, nature, mathematics, and a lot of other subjects. Principles of physics helped shape a new form of applied science, called engineering. All forms of engineering require a deep knowledge of physics.

As you will be studying many sub-disciplines of science in physics, it can help you pursue a career in research in many fields, or it can help you become an inventor, or a teacher as well. For example, if you study nuclear physics, you will become a nuclear physicist, which is mostly a research-related job. Also, if you study nano-particle physics, you will be able to become a researcher, inventor, or teacher. There are endless opportunities for people who have a degree in physics in the current job market. Below is a list of some of these career choices that you have after completing your degree.

Top 15 Career Choices After a Physics Degree:

These are the top fifteen career choices that you can make after your Physics degree.

  • Astronomer
  • Astrophysicist
  • Biophysicist
  • Business analyst
  • Data Analyst
  • Cosmologist
  • Chemical Physicists
  • Optics Researcher
  • Particle Physics Researcher
  • Engineer
  • Patent Attorney
  • Quantum Computing Researcher
  • Geophysicist
  • Physics Teacher, Lecturer, Professor
  • Computer Programmer

Here are the details about each of these career choices after a Physics Degree.

1. Astronomer:

Astronomy is a branch of physics, and after completing your degree in physics, you can become a professional researcher (Astronomer) in astronomy. Their job is to utilize scientific methods of experiments, to prove or disprove theories about space, and find out more about what makes stars, planets, and other astronomical objects. It also deals with making calculations related to space, matter, energy. Astronomers are highly acclaimed professional scientists, and they work on research and experimentations mostly but they also work in multiple other fields as well.

Ph.D. is known as the highest qualification for this job, but you can also join the scientific teams after your Bachelor’s, or Master’s as well. Having some research background in astronomy will help increase your chances of employment in top research institutes. According to the data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, Astronomers have a median income of $128,950 per year. Meanwhile, the top ten percent can make more than $200,000. The total number of jobs related to this profession is 19,500. BLS data also shows a growth of 8% for the next decade which is average fast.

2. Astrophysicist:

You can also become an Astrophysicist after completing your degree in Physics. Astrophysics is the branch of physics that deals with the study of things and research that is beyond earth. The astrophysicist is a research-related job position, so you can get a job to work with other scientists in a lab, or you may get a job in some space agency such as NASA. Astrophysicists make use of the scientific method of experimentation and collection of data from space. After that, they use this data to calculate things such as distance from earth, the mass of these objects, and more.

This is a research-based job position; hence it may require higher qualifications and some experience in Astrophysics. So, having a Ph.D. and some research experience will increase your chances of employment as an Astrophysicist. According to the data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Astrophysicist has a median income of $128,950 per year, while the top earners can make more than $200,000. The total number of jobs related to this profession is 19,500. The data from BLS shows a growth of 8% for the next decade.

3. Biophysicist:

After completing your degree in physics, you can also become a Biophysicist. Biophysics is a branch of science that deals with the study of physical processes inside a living organism. For example, how our muscles move, how our stomach digests food with movement. This knowledge is helping improve the living standards in our society. They work with specialists from other professions, such as Physicians, and Dentists.  This is also a research-based job that might require some exposure to the field as well. This job role requires collecting data from living organisms and performing complex mathematical analyses to find out how things are happening inside a living organism.

As it is a research-oriented job, it might require some experience and further education. Having a Ph.D. and some experience in research can increase your employability. According to the data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Biophysicist has a median income of $94,270 per year, while the top earners can make more than $150,000. The total number of jobs related to this profession is 34,800. The data also shows the growth of 5% for the next decade which is comparatively slow.

4. Business analyst:

You can also get the job of a business analyst or a system analyst after completing your degree in Physics. This job requires deep knowledge of mathematics and statistics. You will be responsible for collecting data related to a system or a business. After collecting data, you will perform mathematical and statistical analysis on that data to predict the results. This will help the businesses in improving their workflow and processes. Apart from that, it will also help increase the revenues.

Business analysts are also responsible for making reports about the data and prediction and presenting them to the board of directors or higher management. If you have a higher qualification in physics, it will increase the chances of your employment, but you can also get this job after completing your Bachelor’s as well. According to the data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, Business Analysts have a median income of $87,660 per year. Meanwhile, the top ten percent can make more than $150,000. The total number of jobs related to this profession is 907,600. This data also shows a growth of 14% for the next decade which is faster than average.

5. Data Analyst:

After completing your degree, you can also become a data analyst in any business firm. This is a job that requires using statistics, and mathematics, to analyze the data. After that, you will be responsible for producing future results from this data. Businesses use the skills of data analysts for various purposes, starting from market research to revenue and profit predictions. Data analysts work closely with the top management; hence they also present their ideas based on their research and help their companies become more competitive in the market. These strategies help these companies to increase their profit margins and increase their overall revenues as well.

You can get this job after completing your degree, but if you have higher education or some experience, it will increase the chances of your employment, and will also increase the job benefits as well. According to the data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Data Analysts have a median income of $86,200 per year, while the top ten percent can make more than $100,000. The total number of jobs related to this profession is 104,100. This data also shows a growth of 25% for the next decade which is one of the fastest growth rates in the job market.

6. Cosmologist:

Cosmology is a branch of physics that is related to the study of the cosmos, or universe, and you can become a cosmetologist after completing your degree in Physics. This job might also require some higher education and further experience in research and experimental physics. This is one of the top scientific positions and it will give you a chance to work for some of the biggest space agencies and research institutes such as NASA and SpaceX.

This job requires knowledge of multiple subjects such as space, energy conversions, matter, and its multiple states, and more. Most of the time this is an office-based research position, but it can also require some work in the field as well. According to the data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, Cosmologists have a median income of $119,730 per year. Meanwhile, the top ten percent can make more than $189,690 and the lowest ten percent can make up to $62,410. The total number of jobs related to this profession is 19,500. This data also shows a growth of 8% for the next ten years.

7. Chemical Physicists:

After completing your degree in physics, you can also become a chemical physicist. The job of a chemical physicist is to work on the physical properties of chemicals. These include measuring the volume, mass, density, and other physical properties. Chemical physicists work with chemical companies and chemical engineers to produce new chemicals that are more useful. Also, they conduct research and experiments on the chemicals to get more accurate information about them. This is a job that can require both office work and fieldwork.

You can get the job of chemical physicist after your bachelor’s but having a master’s or a Ph.D. will improve your chances of employment, and will also impact your salary and other job benefits.  According to the data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, Chemical Physicists have a median income of $80,680 per year. Meanwhile, the top ten percent can make more than 150,000. The total number of jobs related to this profession is 92,400. BLS data also shows a growth of 6% for the next decade, which is average fast.

8. Optics Researcher:

You can also become an optics researcher after completing your degree in Physics. Optics is a branch of physics that deals with the study of behaviors and properties of light. Scientists from this branch use light for various purposes for example data transfer using fiber optic technology and more. Researchers from optics use multiple properties of light to study other phenomena such as quantum energy, and behaviors of subatomic particles. They also develop techniques and instruments that improve our vision.

To become an optics researcher, you may need further education after completing your degree in Physics. You will have to take optics as a major for your Master’s or doctorate. According to the data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Optics Researchers have a median income of $74,834 per year. Meanwhile, the top ten percent can make more than $114,000. The total number of jobs related to this profession is 19,500. This data also shows a growth of 8% for the next ten years.

9. Particle Physics Researcher:

Particle Physics is one of the leading branches of Physics, and it has attracted the attention of many scientists from across the world. It is a branch of physics that deals with the study of subatomic particles, such as electrons, protons, neutrons, and others. Scientists from this field study the relationship between multiple subatomic particles and see how they interact with each other. This branch of physics has multiple applications in real life. Government and private research organizations hire specialists from across the world to work on their projects and theories related to particle physics.

This is one of the highest research positions and that is why it might require having some research background, or higher education. According to the data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, Particle Physicists have a median income of $128,950 per year. Meanwhile, the top ten percent can make more than $150,000, and the lowest ten percent can make up to $50,000 The total number of jobs related to this profession is 19,500. BLS data also shows a growth of 8% for the next decade, which is average fast as compared to other jobs in this field.

10. Engineer:

You can also become an engineer after completing your degree in Physics. Engineering Physics is a branch of science that deals with the study of interdisciplinary subjects such as engineering and physics as a combined subject. Engineering physicists are the ones who do research and create machines that are based on that research. So, it is not only a research job but it is also one of the engineering jobs that requires building actual working machines.

This field of physics has links with multiple other branches of science including electronics, computer science, information technology, mathematics, chemistry, and even biology as well. Having a Master’s or a doctorate will increase your employability and will also impact your job benefits. According to the data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Engineers have a median income of $68,570 per year. Meanwhile, the top ten percent can make more than $100,000. The total number of jobs related to this profession is 11,900. This data also shows the growth of 9% for the next few years which is average fast.

11. Patent Attorney:

You can also become a patent attorney after completing your degree in physics. The job of a patent attorney requires a deep knowledge of engineering, mathematics, and other scientific fields. You will be responsible for helping your clients file a patent, and fight a case in a court of law. This job also requires the knowledge of laws that govern patent acquisition and copyrights. Apart from your degree in physics, you might also have to pass the bar exam and get a degree in the legal profession as well.

You can become a patent filing assistant at first, but to become an attorney, you may need further education, training, and experience. These are some of the high-paying jobs that you can get after completing your degree in physics. According to the data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the lawyers have a median income of $126,930 per year. Meanwhile, the top ten percent can make more than $200,000, and the total number of jobs related to this profession is 804,200. Also, the data shows 9% for the next decade in this profession, which is average fast.

12. Quantum Computing Researcher:

Quantum computing is one of the latest developments in physics, engineering, programming, and many other professions. You can become a quantum computing researcher after completing your degree in physics. People with a knowledge of physics, and a background in engineering are the ones responsible for making this type of machine. Quantum computers are much faster than traditional digital computers and can solve problems extremely fast. That is why a lot of research is happening in this field. This creates a huge demand for people with the right background in physics.

You can join government research or privately funded research organizations to work on their projects of quantum computation. According to the data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Quantum Computing Researchers have a median income of $128,950 per year. Meanwhile, the top ten percent can make more than $200,000. The total number of jobs related to this profession is 19,500. BLS data shows a growth of 8% for the next decade.

13. Geophysicist:

Geophysics is one of the major branches of physics that has many applications in both the business world and the non-business world. Geophysicists are the ones who study the earth and its atmosphere in space. This helps us understand a lot of things and predict future events. For example, this study can help us predict the geological events that might occur in the future, such as Tsunamis, Tornados, and other natural disasters. They research and build working models from the data that they receive from multiple satellites, and use this data to predict events such as weather reports and more.

You can also become a Geophysicist after completing your degree. But to work with a top-level institute, you might need further education and some experience in research. According to the data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, Physicists have a median income of $93,580 per year. Meanwhile, the top ten percent can make more than $150,000. The total number of jobs related to this profession is 29,000. This data also shows a growth of 7% for the next decade.

14. Physics Teacher, Lecturer, Professor:

After completing your degree in Physics, you can also become a science teacher at school, or a physics teacher in college, or a physics professor after completing your doctorate. There are a lot of positions available in the field of teaching for people with the right type of education and some experience. To become a teacher at a high school you only need a Bachelor’s or a Master’s but to teach at the university or college level, you will have to earn a doctorate first.

As there are a lot of teaching positions in the US, it will be easier for you to get this job as compared to the other jobs that have fierce competition. According to the data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Teachers have a median income of   $80,560 per year. The top ten percent can make more than $100,000 while the lowest ten percent can make up to $40,000. The total number of jobs related to this profession is 1,276,900. This data also shows the growth of 12% for the next decade which is fast as compared to other professions after physics.

15. Computer Programmer:

You can also become a professional computer programmer after completing your degree in physics. Programming requires the knowledge of mathematics, and computer coding. You might have to take some extra courses to become a computer programmer but most of the things that you need to become a programmer are already a part of your course. There are millions of jobs for programmers with the right type of experience. You can also work as a freelancer if you do not want to join a formal company. You can also start your coding studio, or a service website and sell your services related to programming.

This job requires a lot of experience in coding and computer programming. But you can get this experience by working as a freelancer from the start. After gaining some experience, you can join any fintech company. According to the data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, computer programmers have a median income of $89,190 per year. Meanwhile, the top ten percent can make more than a six-figure salary. The total number of jobs related to this profession is 185,700. This data also shows a decline of -10% for the next decade.

Benefits and Salaries for Physics Related Jobs:

Job TitleNo. of JobRequired QualificationJob OutlookSalary
Business analyst907,600Bachelor’s/Master’s/Ph.D.14%$87,660
Data Analyst104,100Bachelor’s/Master’s/Ph.D.25%$86,200
Chemical Physicists92,400Bachelor’s/Master’s/Ph.D.6%$80,680
Optics Researcher19,500Bachelor’s/Master’s/Ph.D.8%$74,834
Particle Physics Researcher19,500Bachelor’s/Master’s/Ph.D.8%$128,950
Patent Attorney804,200Bachelor’s/Master’s/Ph.D.9%$126,930
Quantum Computing Researcher19,500Bachelor’s/Master’s/Ph.D.8%$128,950
Physics Teacher, Lecturer, Professor1,276,900Bachelor’s/Master’s/Ph.D.12%$80,560
Computer Programmer185,700Bachelor’s/Master’s/Ph.D.-10%$89,190

Note:(Bachelors for the job and Masters for further promotion) data source bls.gov

Types of Physics Degrees:

Here are the three most common Physics degrees that you can get. Each of these degrees will improve your knowledge and educational qualification and will increase your employability. These degrees can also impact your career in research-based professions.

1. Bachelors:

This is the first professional degree that you can get in Physics. This is a four-year degree that requires studying a lot of subjects that are related to your major, Physics. The course of study in this degree requires the completion of 120 credit hours. You can get this degree from colleges and also universities. You should select your college or university with great care as it would impact your career. This degree can cost between $20,000 to $40,000 per year, which means four years of college or university education in physics will cost between $100,000 to $200,000. After completing this degree, you will become eligible for most of the jobs mentioned in the article above. But some jobs might require further education or experience.

2. Masters:

This is the second level of education after completing the Bachelor in Physics. Master’s in Physics is a two-year degree program that you complete in university and some colleges. In Master’s, you pick one specific part of Physics, and study that part and gain more knowledge in that specific part of the physics. For example, you can choose particle physics as your major in Master’s and you will only study the subjects that are related to particle physics. This is a more specific degree that means you learn a lot about the field you are entering and less about other fields. Master’s requires completing research work, or experimental work, and up to 40 credit hours of course of study. This degree can cost you up to $100,000.

3. Doctorate:

This is the third and highest level of education that you can get in physics. A doctorate or Ph.D. in Physics is a field-specific study in which you learn about research and experimentation that is specific to your field. For example, if you are studying chemical physics, you will do experiments or research on chemicals only. This degree will help you get the highest-paying jobs. It is a four to six-year-long course of study. It also requires the completion of 120 credit hours of coursework. Most of your research will only be related to your field and you will get more advanced skills and knowledge about your field. A doctorate can cost you between $200,000 to $400,000.

Skills You Will Learn from Physics Degree:

  • Mathematics
  • Statistics
  • Problem-solving
  • Analysis and research
  • Predicting and reporting results
  • Engineering skills
  • Communication


Physics is a science major that has many applications in the real world. It is also linked with all other branches of science, including biology, chemistry, mathematics, and engineering. So, if you take physics as a college major, you will be able to select a career choice from a wide range of jobs. Physics has many sub-branches that you can select as a specific major, and pursue your career in that specific path as it will lead you to your dream job. Most of these jobs are related to science, research, and experimentation, but there are also some jobs related to business and real-world application of knowledge as well. So, if you are passionate about science, physics, and research, you should take physics as your major as it offers multiple career opportunities that reward you very well.


Question: Is it hard to get a job with a Physics degree?
Answer: No, it is not hard to get a job with a physics major as there is a lot of research, experimentation, and other jobs available for physics degree holders. Also, physics is a dynamic degree that can also help you get a job in businesses outside the research and experimentation field as well.

Question: Is Physics a hard degree?
Answer: If you are someone who has a background in mathematics, and science, it will not be difficult for you to study physics. But if you do not have a background in science and mathematics, it will be difficult to pass. You will have to give your 100% to pass physics. 

Question: How much do Physics majors make?
Answer: Physics majors have different salaries and most of the time their salaries depend on the job role. So, if a physics major is working in a research position, it can make a six-figure income per year. While people working in business management, and fields outside the research can also make between $60,000 to $120,000 per year.

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